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Enginsoft International Conference and ANSYS Italian Conference

20 – 21 October 2011, Fiera Verona, Italy

What is or what does CAE mean today? What is the impact of Virtual Prototyping or the so-called ‘Engineering Simulation’ on today’s product development and manufacturing cycles?  Where are we, the CAE Users, going? What are the new paradigms of the application environments? …and, above all, is this a continuing evolution that answers the needs of industry, and more generally speaking, the needs of an ever changing economic and market environment? These questions are debated at the Conference that EnginSoft is organizing for 27 years, true to our values and tradition to provide realistic and tangible insights into what the evolution is about.
The software technologies we are discussing certainly play an important role in the challenges you are facing to innovate your business. But there is more than just technology to consider: the enablers on the business front, e.g. organizational, technological and human aspects that carry these technologies to their very role for the success of your business!
Are we dealing with ‘commodities’ of the design process, tools for which there is demand, but which are supplied without any qualitative differentiation across their market? Or: could these technologies become true ‘assets’ and thus give your business a competitive edge? What should be done to reach this goal? How should corporations and employees re-engineer themselves? What is the role of the technology transfer operators in this context?
All this will be discussed and answered by the conference themes, they will offer to the attendees:

  • an up-to-date, critical overview of the topics and their operational contexts, through various contributions by executives from industry, research, academia and technology providers;
  • a Think Tank, chaired by experts, focused on the issues of accuracy, reliability, accessibility and applicability of Engineering Simulation, and hence on the possibilities of becoming a true asset of the design process;
  • an exhibition, unprecedented in the sector in Italy, where software vendors and providers of complementary services and products, will showcase their new solutions and share their visions and strategies with the attendees.
  • an informal environment where delegates, technology providers, managers and experts can meet and share experiences, address key industry issues and challenges, and find new business opportunities.

In a word, based on the outstanding success of the previous conferences, the 2011 event promises again to be the country’s premier conference on Engineering Simulation, and one of the most important events of its kind globally.
As a tradition and to add further value to the occasion, the EnginSoft Conference will run concurrently with the ANSYS Italian Conference. In fact, ANSYS is the premier technology partner of EnginSoft, and the major software vendor worldwide. When we speak about ANSYS today, we mean the most complete, co-ordinated, structured, and solid CAE technology available on the market.  The combination of the EnginSoft and the ANSYS offering delivers to industry unprecedented and unsurpassable values, and the true ‘key’ to the integration of simulation into the design and production process.

Please visit our booth in the accompanying hardware and software exhibition.

Please find more information here.