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Introduction to LS-DYNA

The introductory seminar gives a quick, comprehensive introduction to the applications of LS-DYNA and is recommended for simulation engineers who want to use LS-DYNA as an FE code to simulate general nonlinear problems. Prior knowledge is not required.

The main application areas of LS-DYNA are strongly non-linear tasks such as crash, metalforming, and impact problem simulation, and these are covered in the seminar. LS-DYNA can also be used to successfully solve complex nonlinear static problems with either the explicit or the implicit solver. The participant will be introduced to both solvers as well as coupling the mechanical solvers to the thermal solver in order to simulate multiphysics problems.

The seminar participant works on exercise examples to help him/her understand the applications of LS-DYNA and LS-PREPOST.

Prior knowledge:

The seminar is suited for users with limited or no experience of the program that want an overview of the LS-DYNA possibilities and learn how to perform basic analyses.

LS-PrePost is the default pre- and postprocessor for LS-DYNA and will be used for the exercise examples in the seminar. Prior to the seminar, the participant will receive an LS-PrePost tutorial as an introduction.

LS-PrePost is the default pre- and postprocessor for LS-DYNA. Taking the LS-PrePost seminar provides a better understanding of this important tool.

Seminar outline:

  • Introduction and application examples
  • Implicit and explicit finite element methods
  • Keyword format
  • Elements
  • Contacts
  • Boundary and initial conditions
  • Constraints
  • Material models
  • Rigid bodies
  • Coupled analyses
  • Control parameters
  • Output format and output files
  • Pre and post processing with LS-PREPOST
  • Hands-on exercises throughout the seminar
Date 30.01.2024 - 01.02.2024 (3 days)
Time 09:00 - 17:00
Lecturers Anders Bernhardsson
Location Linköping
Languages English, Swedish
Standard (12000 SEK + VAT)
Employee of University (6000 SEK + VAT)
Student (1 SEK + VAT)
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