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Explosives Modeling for Engineers

This class focuses on the application of LS-DYNA to modeling explosives. LS-DYNA simulations
involving explosives can be modeled on several engineering levels from simple application of equi-
valent pressure histories via *LOAD_BLAST_EN-HANCED, explicit inclusion of explosive charges
using Equations-of-State and detonation via *IN-ITIAL_DETONATION, and detonation of explosive
due to impact using *EOS_IGNITION_AND_GROW-TH_OF_REACTION_IN_HE. The analyst selects
the appropriate degree of model sophistication to satisfy the intended use of the model results.


The modeling methods are illustrated through case studies with sufficient mathematical theory
to provide the user with adequate knowledge to then confidently apply the appropriate modeling

This training class is intended for the LS-DYNA analyst possessing a comfortable command of
the LS-DYNA keywords and options associated with typical Lagrange and Multi-Material Arbitrary
Lagrange Eulerian (MM-ALE) analyses. The training class will attempt to provide the analyst with the
additional tools and knowledge required to model explosives for a range of applications. The theory
and illustrations portions of the class will benefit LS-DYNA users and non-LS-DYNA users alike.


Please visit the DYNAmore GmbH website for scheduled seminars.

Dates Duration/days Calendar Registration Referee Language Location Fee
11.10.2020 1 day Add to calendar Paul Du Bois, Len Schwer English Stuttgart (GER) free


Paul Du Bois

Paul Du Bois


Len Schwer

Len Schwer
