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DYNAmore Swiss GmbH founded

DYNAmore GmbH founded DYNAmore Swiss GmbH in Zurich last year together with Bernd Hochholdinger. As a spin-off company of ETH Zurich, DYNAmore Swiss GmbH has now moved into its premises at TECHNOPARK® in Zurich.

Stuttgart, 6th February 2012

DYNAmore GmbH founded DYNAmore Swiss GmbH in Zurich last year together with Bernd Hochholdinger. As a spin-off company of ETH Zurich, DYNAmore Swiss GmbH has now moved into its premises at TECHNOPARK® in Zurich.

Bernd Hochholdinger, who takes over the management of the Swiss company, has been working in a research project at the institute of virtual manufacturing of the ETH Zurich dealing with the so-called press hardening process, which is employed in the automotive industry to manufacture ultra-high strength body-in-white parts. The project, which was conducted together with a leading German car manufacturer, focused on the simulation methods and strategies, which are used to accurately represent this complex thermo-mechanical process. Furthermore methods and models have been developed in order to predict the final mechanical properties of a part after press hardening. This information is a preliminary for subsequent crashworthiness simulations. The mentioned developments strongly support the efforts of the automotive industry to make future vehicles lighter and therefore more energy efficient.

It will be one of the objectives of the newly founded spin-off company to offer well-suited models and software solutions for the simulation of thermo-mechanical processes. Apart from that, DYNAmore Swiss GmbH will offer engineering and consulting services as well as conception and support of software in the area of forming simulations.

Further information:

DYNAmore GmbH

Industriestrasse 2

D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany

phone.: +49-(0)711-4596000



DYNAmore Swiss GmbH

Technoparkstrasse 1

CH-8005 Zurich, Switzerland

phone.: +41-(0)44-6336162

