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NAFEMS „Best Practices"

18 - 19 November 2013, Wiesbaden

„Best Practices“ for an Efficient Use of CAE - Methods, Tools, Processes

18 - 19 November 2013, Wiesbaden, Germany

The seminar shows "best practices" to increase efficiency through the use of CAE in the product development. These include workflows including CAE and also the use of software tools. The seminar describes what is feasible with the current means and what level of development (state-of-the-art) theory and software has been reached for the different application areas.

Please listen our presentation on Monday, 18 November, 17:00:

Introduction of a Comprehensive new Software System to Support CAE Processes and Data Management
H. Müllerschön (DYNAmore)

Please visit our booth in the exhibition area.


Please find more information here.