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C4P LS-DYNA Forum 2014

6 - 8 October 2014, Bamberg, Germany

6 - 8 October 2014, Bamberg, Germany


Online registration

Registration form (pdf)

We kindly invite you to our 13th LS-DYNA Forum in Bamberg. This year, the conference is extended by half a day with the successful Developer Forum, which will take place before the main two-day User Forum.

We will publish the agenda here in the next couple of weeks. Although the deadline for abstract submissions has passed, you are still welcome to actively contribute to the conference agenda by submitting an abstract. In your presentation you may report about your experience with LS-DYNA or LS-OPT as well as exchange your knowledge and discuss your problems with other users.

Submit abstract online
Upload abstract (pdf)
Send abstract by e-mail Call for papers (pdf)

Speakers from Daimler, Dow Automotive, Ford, Opel and University of Stuttgart have already confirmed as keynote presenter. Software developers from LSTC and DYNAmore will present the latest features in LS-DYNA and the associated new application possibilities.

In the accompanying exhibition, numerous hardware and software manufacturers will offer an insight into the latest news and trends around LS-DYNA.

Moreover, we are pleased to offer you several English spoken seminars in the week before, during and after the Forum, which will be either held by LS-DYNA developers or experienced consulting engineers.

We hope that we have stimulated your interest and are looking forward to receiving your abstract and to seeing you in Bamberg.

Presentation topics are:

  • Crashworthiness
  • Passenger and Pedestrian Safety
  • Metal Forming
  • Optimization and Robustness
  • Materials (composites, polymers, ...)
  • Joining Techniques
  • Implicit
  • Impact
  • Droptest
  • Ballistics and Penetration
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Heat transfer
  • ElectromagneticsAltes Rathaus
  • Multiphysics
  • Manufacturing processes
  • CAE process integration

... from the industry areas:

  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Shipbuilding/Offshore
  • Transportation
  • Biomechanics
  • Civil Engineering
  • Medical Engineering
  • Packaging
  • ...

Submission of papers

To submit your paper, please send us a title, the corresponding authors and a short summary (approx. 300 words).

Submit abstract online Upload abstract (pdf) Send abstract by e-mail Call for papers (pdf)

Submission of proposed paper:  16 June 2014 (your are still welcome to submit your abstract)
Author notification: 30 June 2014
Submission of two-page summary for proceedings: 5 September 2014

Length of talk
20 minutes including discussion time

Hardware and software exhibition

The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition fea­turing the latest software and hardware deve­lopments related to LS-DYNA. Please find further information here.

Exhibition and sponsoring broschure (pdf)

Accompanying seminars

We offer pre and post conference seminars in English language:

  • Meshless Methods in LS-DYNA - EFG
  • Meshless Methods in LS-DYNA - SPH
  • NVH & Frequency Domain Analysis
  • ALE und Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Concrete and Geomaterial Modeling
  • Blast Modeling with LS-DYNA
  • Penetration with LS-DYNA
  • Explosives Modeling for Engineers

Plese find more information here.

Venue - accommodation

Please find more information here.

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