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DYNAmore invites to free LS-DYNA information day in Berlin

DYNAmore GmbH is inviting all interested parties to come to Ber-lin, Germany on 3 June for a free informational event on "LS-DYNA – The Numerical Simulation Program for Numerous Appli-cations". The aim behind the event is to inform about the general-purpose computational software LS-DYNA and its associated op-timization program LS-OPT.

Stuttgart, April 10, 2014

DYNAmore GmbH is inviting all interested parties to come to Berlin, Germany on 3 June for a free informational event on "LS-DYNA – The Numerical Simulation Program for Numerous Applications". The aim behind the event is to inform about the general-purpose computational software LS-DYNA and its associated optimization program LS-OPT.

LS-DYNA is one of the world's leading finite element software systems and is perfectly suited to perform numerical simulations of highly nonlinear problems encountered in industry and research. Typical applications include crashworthiness, metal forming, impact and drop tests, detonations, penetration/perforation and fluid-structure interaction as well as thermomechanically and electromagnetically coupled problems.

With LS-DYNA, the Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC) offers a well-equipped toolbox that includes explicit and implicit time integration schemes which can be combined with spatial discretization methods such as FEM, BEM and ALE as well as meshfree methods like EFG, SPH and DEM. The primary focus of the developers at LSTC lies on a one-code-strategy to integrate different solution algorithms within a single software environment, which includes coupling abilities of the structural solver with the solvers for incompressible and compressible fluids, temperature and electromagnetism.

This allows different simulation stages to be joined together within LS-DYNA without the need to define a time-consuming transition to other software packages. And this in turn means that LS-DYNA can be used to efficiently perform simulations across multiple processes.

Besides LS-DYNA and LS-OPT, LSTC also develops the free pre- and postprocessor known as LS-PrePost. The programs support the Linux, Windows and Unix operating systems as well as various cluster architectures and HPC systems.

To provide a better understanding of the simulation capabilities of LS-DYNA and LS-OPT, DYNAmore has prepared an exciting agenda with various presentations. Further information as well as an online registration can be found at www.dynamore.de/info-b.