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Haryanti Samekto Karl Roll Superplastic forming process has been a standard manufacturing process in aircraft industry and its applications in other industries are increasing. Superplasticity is utilised in forming parts which can not be produced technically or economically using materials with ordinary ductility. As superplastic deformation should be carried out under certain strain rate in which m value is maximal, the finite element method is applied to model the forming process in order to optimise the process through generating a pressure-time curve. In this paper, the dynamic explicit solution procedure was taken as an alternative solution due to its efficiency, as most of the current simulations of SPF used static implicit. The material parameters of Aluminium alloy 5083 SPF were first determined and the creep constitutive model was chosen. The finite element analysis results from dynamic explicit were verified with experimental results and then compared with static implicit. The simulation of bulge forming process with the geometry of a cup was conducted. The effects of m value and friction coefficient value were investigated.