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LS-DYNA Forum 2014

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Monday, 6 October 2014

13:00 Welcome
K. Schweizerhof (DYNAmore)
Contacts in LS-DYNA
LS-DYNA offers extensive possibilities to model contact. While this generous selection guarantees extreme flexibility for the contact definition, it also requires a great deal of knowledge on the user's part. The objective of this workshop is to provide the user with a summary of the possibilities and limits of the various contact formulations with focus on the selection of a suitable contact type.
Material Failure of Metals
This workshop will discuss issues related to state-of-the-art material modeling under consideration of damage and failure using the material model GISSMO. Besides a discussion on the dependency of the deformation patterns on anisotropy and the tri-axial condition, the complex descriptions of failure are explained with respect to their dependency on the finite element size.
13:15 Recent Developments for Hot Stamping and Welding Processes in LS-DYNA
T. Klöppel (DYNAmore)
13:45 Current Status of Subcycling and Multiscale Simulations in LS-DYNA
T. Borrvall (DYNAmore Nordic AB)
D. Bhalsod, J. O. Hallquist, B. Wainscott (LSTC)
14:15 The Recent Update of LS-DYNA Meshfree and Advanced FEM for Manufacturing Application
W. Hu, C.T. Wu, Y. Guo (LSTC)
14:45 Paper Modeling in LS-DYNA
J. Karlsson (DYNAmore Nordic AB)
15:15 Break

16:00 Interesting Things I‘ve been Working on
B. Wainscott (LSTC)
Joining Techniques in LS-DYNA
This workshop offers insight into the modeling possibilities in LS-DYNA to the most frequently used connections, such as adhesive bonding, bolt fastening, welding, spot-weld adhesive bonding or riveting. Herein, the load carrying action of the individual connections as well as their structural stability will be discussed and the possible modeling approaches are demonstrated. Finally, the reliability of the obtained results are critically reviewed with particular emphasis on scenarios that include connection failure.
Modeling Plastics
The objective of this workshop is to give an overview of the available material models for foams, rubbers and glues in LS-DYNA and on how to apply them properly. Especially in rubber materials, the strain rate dependency as well as damage play an important role in the constitutive material formulation and thus, both have to be considered. Moreover, thermoplastics exhibit a complex mechanical behavior ranging from viscoelastic to viscoplastic, which can be clearly distinguished from the incompressible yield characteristics of metals.
16:30 Updated Frequency Domain Analysis in LS-DYNA
Y. Huang, Z. Cui (LSTC)

Numerical Investigation of Phase Change and Cavitation Effects

Prof. M. Souli, N. Aquelet (LSTC/Universität Lille)
R. Messahel (Universität Lille)
B. Cohen (EDF UTO)


Miscellaneous Developments in LS-DYNA

T. Erhart, S. Hartmann (DYNAmore)
18:00 Beverages and snacks in the exhibition

User Forum

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Welcome / Keynote presentations
9:00 Welcome
U. Franz (DYNAmore)
9:10 Recent Developments in LS-DYNA I
B. Wainscott (LSTC)
9:45 On two Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics: IsogeometricAnalysis of Shells and Variational Mass Scaling
Prof. M. Bischoff (Universität Stuttgart)
10:15 Break
10:50 Sponsorenkurzvortrag: Fujitsu & Intel
E. Kehl (Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH); M. Widmer (Intel GmbH)
11:00 Occupant Simulation for the Mercedes-Benz S-Class
C. Geisler, W. Bacher, M. Walz, T. Hofer (Daimler AG)
11:30 Challenges and Developments in Child Safety CAE
S. Vadlamudi (Adam Opel AG)
12:00 CAE from a Material Supplier‘s Point of View
A. Droste (DOW Automotive Systems)
12:30 Lunch break

Crash simulation I
ProCess simulation I
CAE ProCesses I
13:50 Einfluss der Anisotropie auf die Bruchvorhersagefähigkeit von Aluminium Blechen
D. Riemensperger (Adam Opel AG)
P. Du Bois (Consultant)
Abkürzung von Umformprozessen durch Reduzierung von Beschnitt-Operationen in Verbindung mit hochgenauem Kalibrieren
D. Nierhoff, T. Flehmig, Prof. Kawalla (ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG)
Automatic Model Reduction by Exploitation of Knowledge from Pre-existing Simulations
D. Weigert, H. Schluder (AUDI AG)
Prof. F. Duddeck (TU München)
14:10 Calibration of Criteria in GISSMO for Metal Failure Prediction
K. Saito (JSOL Corporation)
S. Chinzei, J. Naito (KOBE Steel, Ltd.)
DYNAFORM 5.9.2 – New Features and Future Development
J. Du Bois, A. Tang (Engineering Technologies Associates Inc.)
Reduction in Simulation Time and Storage Requirements Using LoCo for SDM
M. Thiele (DYNAmore)
S. Mertler (Sidact GmbH)
14:30 The Simulation of Fracture Prediction by the Damage Model GISSMO in Various Materials of Sheet Metal
S. Chinzei, J. Naito (KOBE Steel, Ltd.)
K. Saito (JSOL Corporation)
Determination of the Pressure Curve to Control Strain Paths in Tube Hydroforming by Applying Restart Analysis
T.-K. Nguyen, Prof. M. Liewald (Universität Stuttgart)
Reduced Modeling of Crash Barriers for Design Optimization of Space Frame Automobile Structures
M. Tischer, E. Wehrle, H. Baier (TU München)
14:50 On the Prediction of Material Failure in LS-DYNA: A Comparison Between GISSMO and DIEM
F. Andrade, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
M. Feucht (Daimler AG)
Simulation der wirkmedienbasierten Umformung ohne Formwerkzeug mit LS-DYNA
A. Metzger, D. C. Ruff, T. Ummenhofer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Animator4, neue Trends im Postprozessing
C. Kaulich, S. Hanson (GNS mbH)
15:10 Break

Crash simulation II
MaterialS / Applications
ProCess simulation II
Roll formING / WELDING
Materials I
fiber layups / Plastics
15:40 Modellierung von Felge und Reifen zur Abbildung der Radkinematik im Fahrzeugcrash
F. Burbulla (Prof. Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG)
S. Mattern, A. Lust (DYNAmore)
Roll Forming Simulation with PROFIL and LS-DYNA
R. Brandegger (Ubeco GmbH)
P. Vogel (DYNAmore)
Industrielle Umformsimulation von Gelege-Mehrschichtverbunden
S. Kreissl (BMW AG)
SCALE SDM Products
Since many years, DYNAmore develops software solutions for simulation engineers to manage simulation data and simulation processes. These solutions were developed together with customers from the automotive industry and fundamentally support the simulation engineer in his daily work. This workshop will present software solutions for the different stages in the CAE process chain and their usage will be demonstrated live.
-LoCo: Data and process management for simulation data
-CAViT: Postprocessing of simulation and experimental data
-Status.E: Monitoring of requirements and target achievement
16:00 Crashsimulationen von Elektrofahrzeugen im Rahmen des EU-Projekts EVERSAFE
Y. Léost (Fraunhofer-Institut EMI)
Gekoppelte Simulation des Umformens und des Schweißens mit LS-DYNA zur Auslegung der Schweißverzugskompensation
T. Loose (Ingenieurbüro Tobias Loose)
Simulation von Klebstoffverbindungen
K. Plangger (Hexagon Technology Center GmbH/TU Dresden)
16:20 Dynamisches Materialversagen
P. Du Bois (Consultant)
Widerstandspunktschweißen mit LS-DYNA
I. Lepenies, K. Anakiev (DYNAmore)
W. Perret (AUDI AG)
Thermische Simulation der Aufheizung von Heckscheiben aus PMMA
A. Rühl, Prof. S. Kolling (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
V. Mende, B. Kiesewetter (Evonik Industries AG)
16:50 Break

Crash simulation III
ProCess simulation III
Materials II
17:20 Numerical Stress Wave Analysis in LS-DYNA and Force Measurement at Strain Rates up to 1000 /s of a High Speed Tensile Machine
Prof. X. F. Fang, J. Li (Universität Siegen)
Material Characterization and Modelling Methods for the Cryogenic Forming of Aluminium Alloys
G. Falkinger, F. Grabner, E. Kabliman, N. Sotirov (LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH)
R. Schneider (Voestalpine Polynorm GmbH & Co. KG)
M. Scheerer (AAC Aerospace & Advanced Composites GmbH)
Eine Methode zur Umrechnung experimentell ermittelter Fließkurven auf konstante Dehnraten als Input für Materialmodelle
T. Haase (Fraunhofer EMI)
Dummy Positioning
Due to the growing amount of relevant legislation and consumer tests, the field of occupant safety in vehicle technology has become more important and also gained in complexity. Thus, sound knowledge on how to deal with the involved components dummy, seatbelt and seat is essential. Attendees of this workshop will learn about the composition of an LS-DYNA occupant safety simulation, including the positioning and fitting of a seatbelt to the dummy and the recommended contact definitions between the safety systems. Particular emphasis will be laid on modeling methods and the practical application of the respective features.
17:40 Experimentelle und numerische Simulation der Einflüsse konstruktions- und fertigungsbedingter Toleranzen auf das Crashverhalten von Klebverbindungen
Prof. A. Matzenmiller, G. Schwarzkopf (Universität Kassel)
Prof. G. Meschut, D. Teutenberg, M. Bobbert (Universität Paderborn)
Coupled Simulation of the Fluid Flow and Conjugate Heat Transfer in Press Hardening Processes
B. Boll, U. Göhner (DYNAmore)
I. Caldichouri (LSTC)
T. Wicke (Volkswagen AG)
Materialcharakterisierung und Modellierung von Elastomerwerkstoffen
N. Sygusch, Prof. S. Kolling (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
I. Staudt (Universität Luxemburg)
J. Kuntsche, Prof. J. Schneider (TU Darmstadt)
18:00 Numerical and Experimental Investigating on Adhesive Joint Parts for Crash Condition
G. Kirov, F. Grabner, Z. Khalil (LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH)
B. Fellner (Magna Steyr Engineering AG & CoKG)
E. Mukeli (Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG)
3D Simulations of the Induction Surface Hardening Processes
M. Staudenmeyer, W. Rimkus, V. Knoblauch (Hochschule Aalen)
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Modeling for Foams
V. Effinger, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
P. Du Bois (Consultant)
M. Feucht (Daimler AG)
Prof. M. Bischoff (Universität Stuttgart)
19:00 Get together in the exhibition
20:00 Gala-Dinner

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

IT / Hardware Materials III
Simulation methodS I Workshop
8:20 1000 Core Challenge
U. Göhner (DYNAmore)
Kurz- und langfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste - Materialmodelle in LS-DYNA
S. Hartmann, T. Erhart, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
P. Reithofer, B. Jilka (4a engineering GmbH)
Evaluation of the Stress and Displacement Behavior of Different LS-Dyna Element Types in Combination with Different Anti-Hourglassing Formulations and Initial Element Deformations
B. Kästner, M. Kober, Prof. A. Kühhorn (TU Cottbus)
A. Keskin (Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG)
Best Practice in Crash Analysis and LS-DYNA Tools
The workshop aims at simulation engineers, who already have practical experience in the application of LS-DYNA. Attendees will be shown, how LS-DYNA is used for crash analysis in the automotive industry and how certain simplifications become reasonable. Additionally we will present 13 tools that are supposed to help you working with LS-DYNA. Amongst others, this includes the software „plotcprs“ and „check-c“ which allow to compress d3plot-files and to identify critical warnings of contact definitions, respectively.
8:40 HPC für den Mittelstand
A. Wierse (Sicos)
Aligning the Element Orientation for Building up Simulation Models of Fiber Reinforced Structures Automatically
A. Wünsch, A. Meyer, Prof. S. Vajna (Universität Magdeburg)
R. Dienemann (Universität Wuppertal)
Methode zur FE-Simulation von Mode III-Risswachstum mit LS-DYNA
J. Hartmann, K. Kunter, T. Heubrandtner (Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungsgesellschaft mbH)
B. Fellner (Magna Steyr Engineering AG & Co KG)
J. Martinez (AUDI AG)
9:00 LS-DYNA Scalability: The Importance and Capability for Simulations Using Over 1000 Cores
G. Clifford, T.-T. Zhu (Cray Inc.)
J. Wang (LSTC)
Einsatz von LS-DYNA und modernster CT-Technologie für Geflechtstrukturen im textilen Leichtbau
H. Finckh (Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik Denkendorf)
C. Liebold (DYNAmore)
Combinations of Meshes and Elements that Seems Able to Predict the Correct Deformation Mode
Prof. T. Tryland (Raufoss/Universität Trondheim
9:20 Break

Passive Safety
Pre- And Postprocessing
Materials IV
Simulation methodS II Workshop
9:50 New Physics-Based Preprocessing Tools for LS-DYNA Safety Simulation Set-Up
Y. Kolokythas, L. Rorris, T. Lioras (BETA CAE Systems SA)
Anisotropic Modeling of Short Fibers Reinforced Thermoplastics Materials with LS-DYNA
A. Hatt (Faurecia Seating Product Group)
Praxisrelevanter Vergleich zwischen der Finite-Elemente-Theorie und den netzfreien Berechnungsmethoden bei der Analyse von Zerspanungssimulationen
H. Vazquez Martinez (Fraunhofer IPA)
LS-OPT Material Parameters
The use of new materials, such as plastics, composites, foams, fabrics or high-tensile steels, demands the application of highly complex material models. These material formulations are generally associated with numerous material parameters. In this workshop, a brief introduction in LS-OPT is given with a focus on the application of LS-OPT to determine material parameters. Herein, an automatic comparison is carried out between the experimental results and the simulation results of LS-DYNA.
10:10 Simulation-Based Airbag Folding System JFOLD Version 2 - New Capabilities and Folding Examples
S. Hayashi (JSOL Corporation)
R. Taylor (Ove Arup & Partners International Limited)
Kurzfaserverstärkte spritzgegossene Kunststoffbauteile einfach werkstoffgerecht simulieren
W. Korte, M. Stojek, S. Pazour (PART Engineering GmbH)
Identifikation mechanischer Steifigkeitsparameter eines vereinfachten Triebwerksaufhängungssystems mit Hilfe eines verfeinerten Aufhängungsmodells
M. Kober, Prof. A. Kühhorn, E. Stelldinger (TU Cottbus)
A. Keskin (Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG)
10:30 Automated Extraction of Occupant Injury Results
N. Tzolas (BETA CAE Systems SA)
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung eines kurzglasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffes
R. Jennrich, M. Roth, Prof. S. Kolling (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
C. Liebold (DYNAmore)
G. Weber (Celanese GmbH)
Modellierung und Simulation eines gefüllten Elastomerdämpfers mit LS-DYNA
K. Swidergal, P. Thumann, M. Wagner (OTH Regensburg)
C. Lubeseder, I. von Wurmb, J. Meinhardt (BMW AG)
Prof. S. Marburg (Universität der Bundeswehr)
10:50 Break


SAFETY / Comfort

Materials V
Simulation methodS III Workshop
11:20 Influence of Ribcage Shape on Response of Anthropometrically Correct 5th Percentile Female Thorax
P. Ghosh (Mercedes Benz R&D India); C. Mayer (Daimler AG)
Modellierung des Einflusses der Porenmorphologie auf das Versagensverhalten eines Aluminiumgusswerkstoffs
D.-Z. Sun, Y. Ma, F. Andrieux (Fraunhofer IWM)
Blind Blast Simulationa a Validation Effort Assessment
L. Schwer (Schwer Engineering & Consulting Services)
LS-DYNA Implicit
In recent years, the simulation possibilities in LS-DYNA using an implicit time integration scheme have been enhanced extensively. The aim of this workshop is to give participants an overview of the possibilities and limits of implicit simulations using LS-DYNA. In particular, attention will be drawn on the required input cards that are needed for linear and nonlinear static simulations as well as long-duration transient simulations.
11:40 Activities Using the THUMS Human Models for Crash and Safety Applications
D. Fressmann (DYNAmore)
Material Modeling of TWIP-Steels: Applications to Sheet Metal Forming Simulations
A. Butz, M. Zapara, D. Helm (Frauenhofer IWM)
A. Erhart, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
D. Croizet, M. Biasutti (ESI Group)
N. Stenberg, M. Schneider (Swera Kimab AB)
M. Schneider (Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschungs GmbH)
M. Kampczyk (Faurecia Autositze GmbH)
Charakterisierung von Aluminium mittels Split-HopkinsonPressure-Bar zur Berechnung von Beschussvorgängen
M. Roth, S. Walter, Prof. S. Kolling, Prof. K. Stiebler (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
12:00 Simulation-Assisted Prosthetic Design
E. Ramasamy, B. Dorow, U. Schneider (Fraunhofer IPA)
Prof. O. Röhrle (Fraunhofer IPA/Universität Stuttgart)
The Effect of Full 3-d Stress States on the Prediction of Damage and Failure in Sheet Metal Forming Simulation
A. Erhart, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
Particle Methods in LS-DYNA
N. Karajan (DYNAmore)
J. Wang, Z. Han, H. Teng, C.T. Wu, W. Hu, Y. Guo (LSTC)
12:20 Lunch break

PEDESTRIAN SAFETY / Dummies Materials VI
Failure plastics
Optimization ProCess simulation IV – MATERIALS
13:30 Modellierung und Validierung des Kopfaufpralls auf Windschutzscheiben
C. Alter, Prof. S. Kolling (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
Prof. J. Schneider (TU Darmstadt)
Versagen von Thermoplasten: Teil 1 - Charakterisierung, Versuche
M. Rollant, A. Fertschej, P. Reithofer (4a engineering GmbH)
Design Tolerance Optimization Using LS-OPT
A. Basudhar, N. Stander (LSTC)
A. Svedin (DYNAmore Nordic AB)
Implementierung eines Thermoviskoplastizitätsmodells mit Schädigung für die simultane Kalt-/Warmumformung
C. Bröcker, A. Matzenmiller, A. Szczepaniak (Universität Kassel)
13:50 Auswirkungen des nicht-lokalen Versagenskriteriums auf das Beschleunigungsverhalten von Kopfimpaktoren beim Anprall im mittleren Windschutzscheibenbereich
F. Nuß, A. Herkenhoff, Prof. L. Eckstein (RWTH Aachen)
Versagen von Thermoplasten: Teil 2 - Materialmodellierung und Simulation
A. Fertschej, M. Rollant, P. Reithofer (4a engineering GmbH)
Optimierung eines Transport-Schutzkoffers optischer Messgeräte mittels numerischer Simulation
T. Maul (Leica Geosystems AG)
K. Plangger (Hexagon Technology Center GmbH)
Improved Rule of Mixture for Determination of Mechanical Properties of Dual Phase Steel with Different Martensite Fraction
M. Hofmann, T. Wallmersperger, M. Hunkel (TU Dresden)
14:10 Latest Developments of LS-DYNA Test Dummy Models
K. Koschdon (Humanetics Europe GmbH)
Modellierung des Versagens von unverstärkten und kurzfaserverstärkten Polymerwerkstoffen
H. Dell, G. Oberhofer (Matfem Partnerschaft Dr. Gese & Oberhofer)
V. Yelisseyev (Mattest Voronezh)
CAE Driven Multi Disciplinary Optimization of Vehicle Systems
N. Nair (Detroit Engineered Products)
Modellierungsansätze und Simulationsmethoden zur
Berücksichtigung dynamischer Maschineneigenschaften bei der Blechumformsimulation

Prof. K. Großmann, L. Penter, C. Schenke (TU Dresden)
14:30 Update in Dummy Model Enhancements and Effective Preprocessing
S. Stahlschmidt, A. Gromer, R. D‘Souza, U. Franz (DYNAmore)
Accurate Prediction of the Failure of Continuous and Short Fiber Composite Components in Automotive and Aerospace Fields
J. Kapfhamer, S. Calmels, B. Bidaine, B. Alsteens, R. Assaker (e-Xstream engineering/MSC Software)
Optimierung von Materialparametern durch automatisierten Abgleich von Versuch und Simulation
C. Schwarz, P. Pfeufer (ISKO engineers AG)
Development of a Unit Cell Model for Structural Metal Sheets using *CONSTRAINED_MULTIPLE_GLOBAL
M. Hartmann, S. Jäger, M. Roschitz, A. Horr (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH)
14:50 Break

Keynote presentations

LS-OPT: New Developments and Outlook

N. Stander, A. Basudhar (LSTC)

Recent Developments in LS-DYNA II

B. Wainscott (LSTC)
16:10 Farewell
T. Münz (DYNAmore)

Download Agenda (pdf)

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