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LS-DYNA Forum 2016

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Monday, 10 October 2016

Pre-Conference Workshop: Integrative simulation of short-/long glass fiber reinforced plastics with LS-DYNA
13:30 Wecome and Introduction
U. Franz (DYNAmore)
13:40 Recent Developments - Part I
R. Grimes, J. Wang and other developers (LSTC)
14:10 Modeling and Characterization of Continuous-Discontinuous Long Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Structures
Prof. T. Böhlke, F. Henning, L. Kärger, Prof. T. Seelig, K.A. Weidenmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
14:40 Status and Challenges of Safety CAE in Vehicle Development
S. Frik (Adam Opel)
15:10 Sponsorenvortrag: Enabling Effective and Easy to Access Simulation
S. Gillich (Intel); E. Schnepf (Fujitsu Technology Solutions)
15:25 Sponsorenvortrag: DELL
D. Detweiler (Dell)
15:40 Break

Crash Safety (Airbags and Pressure Tubes) process (sheet Metal Forming)
16:20 Berücksichtigung des Bake Hardening Effekts bei umgeformten Blechteilen für die Crashsimulation
D. Riemensperger (Adam Opel)
Simulation von Kaltgasgeneratoren unter Berücksichtigung des Joule-Thompson-Effekts
T. Laufer, A. Heym (Takata)
Umformsimulationen, Schnittstellen und Prozesse
M. Fleischer (BMW)

Working with LS-PrePost

The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts.

The aim is to provide the attendees with insights, limits and merits of the topic. It facilitates the understanding by showcasing simple ­examples that explain the methods. Besides the presentation there will be time for interactions between the presenters and the audience.

16:40 Virtuelle Produktentwicklung und Crashauslegung von Stahl-Werkstoffverbundsystemen
D. Pieronek, L. Kessler, H. Richter, S. Myslowicki
(Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe)
Update on CPM for Airbag Modelling
J. Wang (LSTC)
Berücksichtigung von schergeschnittenen Blechkanten zur Auslegung von Formgebungsprozessen höherfester Stahlwerkstoffe in der FEM-Umformsimulation mit LS-DYNA
T. Beier, S. Wöstmann (Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe);
M. Reissner, H. Gese (Matfem Partnerschaft Dr. Gese & Oberhofer)
17:00 Influence of Submodel Size and Evaluated Functions on the Optimization Process of Crashworthiness Structures
H. Singh, S. Link, Prof. A. Schumacher (Universität Wuppertal)
*DEFINE_PRESSURE_TUBE: A Pressure Tube Sensor for Pedestrian Crash
J. Karlsson (DYNAmore Nordic)
Sheet Metal Forming of Niobium RF Crab Cavities at CERN
A. Amorim Carvalho, S. Atieh, J-P. Brachet, O. Capatina, M. Toscan du Plantier, A. Dallocchio, V. Gerbant, G. Favre, M. Garlaschè, L. Giordianino, R. Leuxe, M. Narduzzi, L. Prever-Loirii (CERN)
17:20 Break

Crash (Batteries)
Safety (Dummies)
Process (Sheet Metal Forming)
Performance of LS-DYna on New Hardware
17:50 Battery Abuse Analysis using LS-DYNA
P. L’Eplattenier, I. Çaldichoury (LSTC); J. Marcicki, A. Bartlett, X. G. Yang, V. Mejia, M. Zhu, Y. Chen (Ford Research and Innovation Center)

Correlation Studies for WorldSID-50 and Q10/Q6 Child Dummies in Latest Occupant Simulations
T. Kotucha, E. Schneider (Adam Opel)
Parameter Identification of Two Phenomenological Damage Modelsfor Sheet Metal Forming
S. Heibel, W. Nester (Daimler); T. Clausmeyer, Prof. E. Tekkaya (TU Dortmund)

Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen Performance-Messungen mit LS-DYNA

E. Schnepf (Fujitsu Technology Solutions)
18:10 Integration of Single Cells of Lithium Ion Traction Battery in Crash Simulation
M. Funcke (Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen Aachen);
S. Lovski, L. Eckstein (RWTH Aachen)
Dummy Models General Update
F. Schüssler (Humanetics)
Analyse der zu einer verzögerten Rissbildung führenden
umformtechnischen Randbedingungen

M. Teschner (Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung)
LS-DYNA Performance auf NEC LX-Systemen
F. Unger (NEC)
18:30 Entwicklung eines optimierten Seitencrashkonzepts für das batterieelektrische Fahrzeugkonzept Urban Modular Vehicle
M. Schäffer, M. Münster, R. Sturm, H. Friedrich (DLR)
News about the THUMS Human Model
D. Fressmann, N. Lazarov (DYNAmore)
Implementierung einer Netzwerkschnittstelle in LS-DYNA zur gekoppelten Simulation
S. Kriechenbauer (Fraunhofer IWU)
19:15 Get together in the exhibition hall

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Optimization and Robustness Materials (Parameter Identification)
09:00 LS-TaSC Product Status
K. Witowski (DYNAmore); W. Roux (LSTC)
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Deformation and Damage Behavior of a Thermoplastic Component
J. Irslinger (Daimler); C. Ilg, M. Helbig, D. Koch (DYNAmore)
Finite Element Simulation of Delamination Processes when Side Milling the Edges of Cross-Ply Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Boards
H. Vazquez Martinez, P. Esch, K. Patel (Fraunhofer IPA)

Blast Analysis with LS-DYNA


Tips und Tricks in LS-DYNA Implicit

09:20 Finding the Best Thickness Run Parameterization for Optimization of Tailor Rolled Blanks
N. Klinke (Mubea Tailor Rolled Blanks); Prof. A. Schumacher (Universität Wuppertal)
Calibration and Appliance of the Wilkins Damage Model for Aluminium Cast Alloys
C. Mühlstätter (Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen)
BMBF MAI qfast: Design and Validation with Ultrasim for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Parts
S. Ebli, A. Wüst, S. Glaser (BASF)

Automatic Generation of Robustness Knowledge for Selected Crash Structures

C. Diez, C. Wieser, L. Harzheim (Adam Opel); Prof. A. Schumacher (Universität Wuppertal)
4a impetus (part 1): Dynamic Material Characterization of Plastics – Development in the Past 10 Years
A. Fertschej, P. Reithofer, M. Rollant (4a engineering)
Berücksichtigung der umformbedingten Faser-Reorientierung bei der Verzugssimulation von CFK-Bauteilen
C. Amann, S. Kreissl, H. Grass, J. Meinhardt (BMW); C. Liebold (DYNAmore); Prof. M. Merklein (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
10:00 Process to Improve Optimization with Combined Robustness Analysis Results
D. Borsotto, L. Jansen, C. Thole (Sidact)

4a impetus (part 2): Innovations – Test Methods, MAT_SAMP-1, Anisotropy, Composites and more
A. Fertschej, P. Reithofer, M. Rollant (4a engineering)
Forming Simulations in LS-DYNA using the Material Law 249
B. Eck, G. Chambon (Faurecia Automotive Exteriors)
10:20 Break

Simulation data Management and Compression
Materials (Short-Fiber-Reinforced Polymers)
Process (Welding and Cooling)
LS-DYNA in the Cloud
11:00 LoCo - Multistage Assembly with a Wheel Generation Process Example
A. Saharnean, M. Thiele, D. Rentsch (SCALE)
Some Aspects on Characterizing and Modeling of Unreinforced and Short Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Crashworthiness Applications
M. Vogler, G. Oberhofer, H. Dell, H. Gese (Matfem Partnerschaft Dr. Gese & Oberhofer)
High Performance Computing Welding Analysis with DynaWeld and Parallelized LS-DYNA Solvers
T. Loose (Ing.büro T. Loose); M. Bernreuther, J. Herzer (Universität Stuttgart); Prof. U. Göhner (DYNAmore)

How Cloud HPC enables the Digital Transformation in Product Development
T. Smith (Rescale)

11:20 Reducing Storage Footprint and Bandwidth Requirements to a Minimum: Compressing Sets of Simulation Results
S. Mertler, S. Müller (Sidact)
Potential of MAT_157 for Short-Fiber-Reinforced Injection Molded
Plastic Components
W. Korte, M. Stojek, S. Pazour (Part Engineering)
Simulation of Pulsed Water Cooling for Continuous Casting with LS-DYNA
S. Scheiblhofer, J. Kronsteiner, S. Ucsnik (Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen)
Hybrid Cloud HPC Cluster Solutions
– Challenges, Impact and Industrial Use Cases

J. Tamm, A. Heine (CPU 24/7)

Compression Methods for Simulation Models in SDM Systems

J. Richter, W. Graf (TU Dresden); M. Büchse, M. Thiele, C. Löbner, M. Liebscher (SCALE)
Modeling of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Taking into Account the Manufacturing Process
C. A. T. Reclusado (Fraunhofer EMI); S. Nagasawa (Fuji Heavy Industries)
Durability Asessment of Welded Structures Based on Welding Simulation with LS-DYNA
A. Krasovskyy (DYNAmore Swiss)
HPC in the Cloud: Gompute Support for LS-DYNA Simulations
R. Díaz (Gridcore)
12:00 Managing a Global IT Infrastructure for CAE
C. Woll (GNS Systems)

*MAT_4a_micromec – Micro Mechanic Based Material Model
A. Erhart, S. Hartmann (DYNAmore); B. Jilka, P. Reithofer (4a engineering)
Recent Developments for Welding Simulation in LS-DYNA and LS-PrePost
M. Schill (DYNAmore Nordic)

LSTC and DYNAmore Cloud Services
Prof. U. Göhner (DYNAmore)

12:20 Lunch

13:40 Insassensimulation Kindersicherheit bei Mercedes-Benz
H. Ipek, J. Fausel (Daimler)

Historische Entwicklung Funktionssimulation bei der Porsche AG*

M. Geuther (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche)
Einsatz der Umformsimulation in der Modellierung und Verfahrensentwicklung von Blechumformprozessen
Prof. M. Liewald (Universität Stuttgart)
15:10 Break

Crash (Composites)
Noise, Vibration and Harshness Process (Sheetmetal Forming)
15:50 Closed Simulation Process Chain for Short Fiber Reinforced Plastic Components with LS-DYNA
B. Lauterbach, M. Erzgräber (Adam Opel); C. Liebold, M. Helbig, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
NVH Simulations for Car Seat
T. Kupczyk, L. Guerin (Faurecia Automotive Seating)
Developments in LS-DYNA for Metal Forming Simulation
X. Zhu, L. Zhang (LSTC)

Welding Analysis with LS-DYNA and SimWeld

Im Rahmen des Workshops werden exemplarisch zwei Simulations­modelle mit DynaWeld aufgebaut: Wärmebehandlung eines Zahnrades (Abschreckhärten) und MSG-Schweissen eines T-Stoßes.
16:10 Interactive Fracture Criterion for SGF-PP: Validation on Lower Bumper Support
M. Nutini, M. Vitali (LyondellBasell); M. Erzgräber, B. Lauterbach (Adam Opel)
Model Set up and Analysis Tools for Squeak and Rattle in LS-DYNA
T. Fokolidis (Beta CAE Systems); J. Weber, M. Moridnejad (Volvo Car Group)
Strategies to Improve the Efficiency of Sheet Metal Forming Simulations with LS-DYNA
W. Rimkus, M. Fritz (Hochschule Aalen); P. Vogel (DYNAmore)
16:30 Crash Simulation of Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Considering Damage and Failure
L. Schulenberg, J. Lienhard (Fraunhofer IWM)
Evaluation of Equivalent Radiated Power with LS-DYNA
Y. Huang (LSTC)
Advances in Characterization of Sheet Metal Forming in JSTAMP/NV
R. Liu, H. Fukiharu (JSOL)
16:50 Modeling Approaches for Endless-Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Crashworthiness Applications
M. Vogler, G. Oberhofer, H. Dell, H. Gese (Matfem Partnerschaft Dr. Gese & Oberhofer)
Eigensolution Technology in LS-DYNA
R. Grimes (LSTC)
Updates in eta/DYNAFORM V.5.9.3
P. Vogel (DYNAmore); J. Du Bois (Engineering Technology Associates)

17:10 Break

ARena 2036
drop test and impact
17:40 ARENA2036 – Above and Beyond
J. Dittmann, P. Middendorf (Universität Stuttgart)
Simulations and Optimisation of Functionally Graded Auxetic Structures
N. Novak, Prof. M. Vesenjak, Prof. Z. Ren (University of Maribor)
Simulation des Flugzeuganpralls auf Stahlbetonstrukturen
M. Grosse, R. Schlegel (Dynardo); H. Friedl (BKW)

Data Management Solutions from SCALE

18:00 A Multiscale Approach for the Mechanical Investigation of Textile-Based Composite Structures within a Closed Process Chain
M. Holzapfel, M. Vinot (DLR); C. Liebold (DYNAmore)
Novel Approach to Model Laminated Glass
R. Böhm, A. Erhart, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
Comparing Predicted and Measured Accelerations from a Simple Drop Test Experiment
R. Boag (International Nuclear Services)
18:20 Textile Process Simulation for Composite Structures
H. Finckh, F. Fritz (ITV Denkendorf)

Features in LS-DYNA R8.1 for Structural Mechanics – Part I

T. Erhart (DYNAmore)
Validation of a FEA model of a Nuclear Transportation Package under Impact Conditions
C. Berry (International Nuclear Services)
18:40 Closing the Simulation Process Chain using a Solver Independent Data Exchange Platform: The Digital Prototype
C. Liebold, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)

Features in LS-DYNA R8.1 for Structural Mechanics – Part II

T. Erhart (DYNAmore)

19:15 Reception in the exhibition hall
20:00 Gala dinner in Hegelsaal

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Implicit Simulations
Connection Modeling
Finite Elemente Technolgy
09:00 Simulation with Implicit Time Integration of High Loaded Areas of a Forming Tool for Large Presses using LS-DYNA
F. Koch, P. Thumann, Prof. M. Wagner (OTH Regensburg); B. Suck, J. Meinhardt (BMW Group)
Temperature Dependent TAPO Model for Failure Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Joints due to Temperature Induced Service Loading
P. Kühlmeyer, Prof. A. Matzenmiller (Universität Kassel)
Tests with a Sensitive Specimen Geometry Confirm Solid Elements when the Aspect Ratio is Below Four
T. Tryland (Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing)

LS-OPT Robustness Analysis

09:20 Funktionssimulation: Deckelsimulation mit LS-DYNA*
M. Geuther (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche); H. Abboud (GNS)
Charakterisierungsversuche und Parameterbestimmung für die Kohäsivzonenmodellierung von Polyurethan-Klebverbindungen
M. Brodbeck, S. Sikora (DLR)
Predictive Fracture Modeling in Crashworthiness: A Discussion of the Limits of Shell-Discretized Structures – Part I
A. Haufe, F. Andrade (DYNAmore); M. Feucht (Daimler); D. Riemensperger (Adam Opel); K. Schweizerhof (DYNAmore/KIT)

Funktionssimulation: Spoilersimulation mit LS-DYNA*

M. Geuther (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche); B. Gajewski (Bertrandt)
Self Pierce Riveting of Materials with Limited Ductility Investigated with the Bai-Wierzbicki Damage Model in GISSMO
M. Hofmann, R. Anderssohn, Prof. T. Wallmersperger (TU Dresden)
Predictive Fracture Modeling in Crashworthiness: A Discussion of the Limits of Shell-Discretized Structures – Part II
A. Haufe, F. Andrade (DYNAmore); M. Feucht (Daimler); D. Riemensperger (Adam Opel); K. Schweizerhof (DYNAmore/KIT)
10:00 Funktionssimulation: Dichtungssimulation mit LS-DYNA*
M. Geuther (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche); I. Jurrmann (Bertrandt)

Prozess- und Zerreis-Simulationen von punktförmigen Verbindungen im Automobilbau unter Berücksichtigung unscharfer Prozess-Parameter
I. Lepenies, A. Saharnean, P. Friedrich (SCALE); U. Reuter (TU Dresden)
Improvement of Low Order Solid and Solid-Shell Finite Elements with Incompatible Modes / Enhanced Assumed Strains for Explicit Time Integration
C. Schmied, Prof. K. Schweizerhof (Karlsruhe Institut of Technology); S. Mattern (DYNAmore)
10:20 Break

Simulation AND CONTROL
Impact, Rupture and Containment
11:00 FE oriented Virtual Test of Closure Systems
C. Gembus, G. Büdding, W. Rieger (Brose Schließsysteme)
Latest Developments in Automotive Aerodynamics using LS-DYNA
I. Çaldichoury, F. DelPin, R. Paz (LSTC)
Some Observations on Artificial Bulk Viscosity in LS-DYNA: What Noh Knew in 1978
L. Schwer (Schwer Engineering & Consulting Services)

Mapping Tool Envyo

11:20 Simulation of Wear Processes in LS-DYNA
T. Borrvall, A. Jernberg, M. Schill (DYNAmore Nordic); L. Deng, M. Oldenburg (Luleå Technical University)
Recent Updates for the Structural Conjugate Heat Transfer Solver in LS-DYNA
T. Klöppel (DYNAmore)
Damping – Oscillation Elimination after the Rupture
M. Dobes, J. Navratil (Robert Bosch / Brno University of Technology)

Messung und Simulation von Verschleiß in einem anwendungsnahen tribologischen Prüfstand

A. Fertschej, B. Hirschmann, P. Reithofer (4a engineering)
Saving Calculation Time for Electromagnetic-Thermomechanical Coupled Simulations using the New EM 2D/3D Capabilities
I. Çaldichoury, P. L‘Eplattenier (LSTC)
Abbildung von Gußgehäusen und Schrauben in der Containment Simulation
S. Edelmann, C. Gross, H. Chladek (Inprosim)
12:00 Control Systems
I. Yeh (LSTC); C. Keisser (DYNAmore France)

Towards a Multi-Physics Material Toolbox for LS-DYNA
M. Schenke, Prof. W. Ehlers (Universität Stuttgart)
Simulation of Containment-Tests at a Generic Model of a Large-Scale Turbocharger with LS-DYNA
S. Hennig, H. Honermeier, M. Jagic, M. Schönborn (Ing.büro Huß & Feickert); Prof. A. Huß (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)
12:20 Lunch


Recent Developments - Part II

R. Grimes, J. Wang and other developers (LSTC)
14:00 LS-OPT: Status and Outlook
N. Stander, A. Basudhar, I. Gandikota (LSTC); K. Witowski (DYNAmore); Å. Svedin, C. Belestam (DYNAmore Nordic)

LS-DYNA in the Development Process of Occupant Restraint Systems

K. Elsäßer (ZF TRW)
14:45 A New Versatile Tool for Simulation of Failure in LS-DYNA, and the Application to Aluminum Extrusions
P. Du Bois (Consultant); M. Feucht (Daimler); F. Andrade (DYNAmore)
15:15 Closing remarks
T. Münz (DYNAmore)

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