Monday, 10 October 2016
09:00 |
Pre-Conference Workshop: Integrative simulation of short-/long glass fiber reinforced plastics with LS-DYNA |
11:00 |
Registration | ||
KeyNote presentations |
13:30 | Welcome | ||
13:40 | Recent Developments - Part I | ||
14:10 |
Modeling and Characterization of Continuous-Discontinuous Long Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Structures |
14:40 |
Status and Challenges of Safety CAE in Vehicle Development |
15:10 | Sponsorenvortrag: Enabling Effective and Easy to Aceess Simulation | ||
15:25 | Sponsorenvortrag: DELL | ||
15:40 | Break |
Crash | Safety (Airbags and Pressure Tubes) | process (sheet Metal Forming) |
16:20 | Berücksichtigung des Bake Hardening Effekts bei umgeformten Blechteilen für die Crashsimulation | Simulation von Kaltgasgeneratoren unter Berücksichtigung des Joule-Thompson-Effekts | Umformsimulationen, Schnittstellen und Prozesse | |
16:40 | Virtuelle Produktentwicklung und Crashauslegung von Stahl-Werkstoffverbundsystemen | Update on CPM for Airbag Modelling | Berücksichtigung von schergeschnittenen Blechkanten zur Auslegung von Formgebungsprozessen höherfester Stahlwerkstoffe in der FEM-Umformsimulation mit L-DYNA | |
17:00 | Influence of Submodel Size and Evaluated Functions on the Optimization Process of Crashworthiness Structures | *DEFINE_PRESSURE_TUBE: A Pressure Tube Sensor for Pedestrian Crash | Sheet Metal Forming of Niobium RF Crab Cavities at CERN | |
17:20 | Break |
Crash (Batteries) |
Safety (Dummies) |
Process (Sheet Metal Forming) |
Performance of LS-DYna on New Hardware |
17:50 | Battery Abuse Analysis using LS-DYNA | Correlation Studies for WorldSID-50 and Q10/Q6 Child Dummies in Latest Occupant Simulations | Untersuchungen zur Parameteridentifikation zweier Phänomenologischer Schädigungsmodelle sowie deren Anwendung in der Blechumformsimulation |
Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen Performance-Messungen mit LS-DYNA |
18:10 | Einbindung der Einzelzellen von Lithium-Ionen-Traktionsspeichern in die Unfallsimulation | Dummy Models General Update | Update on Forming Specific Features in LS-DYNA | LS-DYNA Performance auf NEC LX-Systemen |
18:30 | Entwicklung eines optimierten Seitencrashkonzepts für das batterieelektrische Fahrzeugkonzept Urban Modular Vehicle | Efficient Seat Positioning for Sled Testing using Implicit Analysis | Implementierung einer Netzwerkschnittstelle in LS-DYNA zur gekoppelten Simulation | |
19:15 | Food, drinks and live music in the exhibition hall |
Thursday, 11 October 2016
Optimazation and Robustness | Materials (Parameter Identification) |
Process (EFR Polymers) |
Workshop |
09:00 | LS-TaSC Product Status | Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Deformation and Damage Behavior of a Thermoplastic Component | Finite Element Simulation of Delamination Processes when Side Milling the Edges of Cross-Ply Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Boards |
Blast Analysis with LS-DYNA The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
09:20 | Finding the Best Thickness Run Parameterization for Optimization of Tailor Rolled Blanks | Calibration and Appliance of the Wilkins Damage Model for Aluminium Cast Alloys | BMBF MAI qfast: Endlosfaser-Bauteilauslegung und -validierung mit Ultrasim | |
09:40 |
Automatic Generation of Robustness Knowledge for Selected Crash Structures |
Dynamische Materialcharakterisierung von Kunststoffen – Entwicklung in den letzten 10 Jahren | Berücksichtigung der umformbedingten Faser-Reorientierung bei der Verzugssimulation von CFK-Bauteilen | |
10:00 | Process to Improve Optimization with Combined Robustness Analysis Results | 4a impetus Hands on: Neuerungen – Prüfmethoden, SAMP, Anisotropie, Composites, ... | Forming Simulations in LS-DYNA using the Material Law 249 | |
10:20 | Break |
Simulation data Management and Compression |
Materials (Short-Fiber-Reinforced Polymers) |
Process (Welding and Cooling) |
Workshop |
11:00 | LoCo - Multistage Assembly with a Wheel Generation Process Example | Einige Aspekte zur Charakterisierung und Modellierung unverstärkter und kurzfaserverstärkter Polymere in der Crashsimulation | High Performance Computing Welding Analysis with DynaWeld and Parallelized LS-DYNA Solvers |
Tips and Tricks in LS-DYNA Implicit The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
11:20 | Reducing Storage Footprint and Bandwidth Requirements to a Minimum: Compressing Sets of Simulation Results | Potenzial von MAT157 für kurzfaserverstärkte, spritzgegossene Kunststoffbauteile | Simulation of Pulsed Water Cooling for Continuous Casting with LS-DYNA | |
11:40 |
Compression Methods for Simulation Models in SDM Systems |
Modeling of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Taking into Account the Manufacturing Process | Durability Asessment of Welded Structures Based on Welding Simulation with LS-DYNA | |
12:00 | Managing a Global IT Infrastructure for CAE | *MAT_4a_micromec – Micro Mechanic Based Material Model | Recent Developments for Welding Simulation in LS-DYNA and LS-PrePost | |
12:20 | Lunch break |
Keynote presentations |
13:40 | Insassensimulation Kindersicherheit bei Mercedes-Benz |
14:10 |
Historische Entwicklung Funktionssimulation bei der Porsche AG |
14:50 |
Einsatz der Umformsimulation in der Modellierung und Verfahrensentwicklung von Blechumformprozessen |
15:10 | Break |
Crash (Composites) |
Noise, Vibration and Harshness | Running LS-DYNA in the Cloud |
Workshop | |
15:50 | Herausforderungen bei der Crashsimulation von glasgewebeverstärkten Thermoplasten | NVH Simulations for Car Seat | How Cloud HPC enables the Digital Transformation in Product Development |
Welding Analysis with LS-DYNA and SimWeld The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
16:10 | Geschlossene Prozesskette für kurzfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe mit LS-DYNA | Model Set up and Analysis Tools for Squeak and Rattle in LS-DYNA | Hybrid Cloud HPC Cluster Solutions – Challenges, Impact and Industrial Use Cases | |
16:30 | Interactive Fracture Criterion for SGF-PP: Validation on Lower Bumper Support | Evaluation of Equivalent Radiated Power with LS-DYNA | LSTC and DYNAmore Cloud Services | |
16:50 | Crashsimulation langfaserverstärkter thermoplaste mit Berücksichtigung von Schädigung und Versagen | Eigensolution Technology in LS-DYNA |
17:10 | Break |
ARena 2036 |
Materials (Misc.) |
drop test and impact |
Workshop | |
17:40 | ARENA2036 – Above and Beyond | Simulations and Optimisation of Functionally Graded Auxetic Structures | Simulation des Flugzeuganpralls auf Stahlbetonstrukturen |
Data Management Solutions from SCALE The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
18:00 | A Multiscale Approach for the Mechanical Investigation of Textile-Based Composite Structures within a Closed Process Chain |
Novel Approach to Model Laminated Glass |
Comparing Predicted and Measured Accelerations from a Simple Drop Test Experiment | |
18:20 | Textile Process Simulation for Composite Structures | Nichtlineare Viskoelastizität in der Crashsimulation: Modellierung offenzelliger Polymerschäume | Validation of a FEA model of a Nuclear Transportation Package under Impact Conditions | |
18:40 | Closing the Simulation Process Chain using a Solver Independent Data Exchange Platform: The Digital Prototype | Modellierungsansätze für die Crashsimulation von endlosfaserverstärkten Polymeren |
19:15 | Reception in the exhibition hall |
20:00 | Gala dinner in the "Hegelsaal" |
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Implicit Simulations |
Connection Modeling |
Finite Elemente Technolgy |
Workshop |
09:00 | Implizite Simulationen einzelner Komponenten eines Großpressenwerkzeugs mit LS-DYNA | Temperature Dependent TAPO Model for Failure Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Joints due to Temperature Induced Service Loading | Tests with a Sensitive Specimen Geometry Confirm Solid Elements when the Aspect Ratio is Below Four |
LS-OPT Robustness Analysis The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
09:20 | Funktionssimulation: Deckelsimulation mit LS-DYNA | Charakterisierungsversuche und Parameterbestimmung für die Kohäsivzonenmodellierung von Polyurethan-Klebverbindungen | Improvement of Low Order Solid and Solid-Shell Finite Elements with Incompatible Modes / Enhanced Assumed Strains for Explicit Time Integration | |
09:40 |
Funktionssimulation: Spoilersimulation mit LS-DYNA |
Self Pierce Riveting of Materials with Limited Ductility Investigated with the Bai-Wierzbicki Damage Model in GISSMO | Predictive Fracture Modeling in Crashworthiness: A Discussion of the Limits of Shell-Discretized Structures | |
10:00 | Funktionssimulation: Dichtungssimulation mit LS-DYNA | Prozess- und Zerreis-Simulationen von punktförmigen Verbindungen im Automobilbau unter Berücksichtigung unscharfer Prozess-Parameter | Simulation of Wear Processes in LS-DYNA | |
10:20 | Break |
Simulation | Multiphysics and Control |
Containment, Impact and Rupture |
Workshop |
11:00 | FE-Orientierter virtueller Test von Schließsystemen |
Latest Developments in Automotive Aerodynamics using LS-DYNA |
Some Observations on Artificial Bulk Viscosity in LS-DYNA: What Noh Knew in 1978 |
Mapping Tool Envyo The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. |
11:20 | Messung und Simulation von Verschleiß in einem anwendungsnahentribologischen Prüfstand | Recent Updates for the Structural Conjugate Heat Transfer Solver in LS-DYNA | Damping – Oscillation Elimination after the Rupture | |
11:40 |
Features in LS-DYNA R8.1 for Structural Mechanics – Part I |
Saving Calculation Time for Electromagnetic-Thermomechanical Coupled Simulations using the New EM 2D/3D Capabilities | Abbildung von Gußgehäusen und Schrauben in der Containment Simulation | |
12:00 | Features in LS-DYNA R8.1 for Structural Mechanics – Part II | Control Systems | Containmentsimulation am generischen Modell eines Großturboladers mit LS-DYNA | |
12:20 | Lunch break |
Keynote presentations |
13:30 |
Recent Developments - Part II |
14:00 |
LS-DYNA in the Development Process of Occupant Restraint Systems |
14:30 | A New Versatile Tool for Simulation of Failure in LS-DYNA, and the Application to Aluminum Estrusions |
14:30 |
Closing remarks |
Download Agenda (pdf) |