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Monday, 15 October 2018

9:00 Discussion organized by asc(s: Multi-Level-Optimization with FE-Substructures using LS-DYNA
11:00 Registration

Welcome and introduction

U. Franz (DYNAmore)
13:10 Recent Developments - Part I
J. Wang (LSTC)

Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretization Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis

Prof. Jörg Schröder (University Duisburg-Essen)

Aspects of Crashworthiness Simulation

M. Feucht (Daimler)

Sponsor Presentation Intel & Fujitsu


Sponsor Presentation AMD

15:10 Break

Crash - Model Building OcCupant Safety I Process - Metal Forming I
Civil Engineering Workshop
15:40 Model Organization, Quality and Management for Crash Simulation Engineering on different Vehicle Body Lines at Porsche.
M. Koch (Porsche), S. Mattern (Dynamore),
R. Bitsche (SCALE)
Recent Airbag CPM Enhancement
J. Wang (LSTC)
Aspekte bei der Modellierung mehrstufiger Umformprozesse mit expliziten und impliziten Methoden
M. Fleischer, I Heinle, H. Grass, J. Meinhardt, J.M. Saubiez (BMW)
How to make a Virtual Twin of a Complex Slender Structure like a High Voltage Transmission Tower?
Prof. T. Tryland (SINTEF Raufoss)

Welding Simulation
T. Loose (DynaWeld)

Two simulation models will be presented addressing
the Gas Metal Arc Welding of a T-joint as well
as a Laser Welding overlap joint with a tension


The Role of
LS-DYNA in the Design of the New London Electric Taxi

G. Newslands, J. Dennis, S. Hart (Arup)

Scalability Study of Airbag Particle Method with Dynamic Load Balancing
H. Teng (LSTC)
Einsatz von Umformsimulationen bei MAHLE am Beispiel der Wellrippenherstellung
A. Gehring, W. Kühnel (MAHLE)
Finite Element Modeling of Long-Span Steel Suspension Bridges in Civil Engineering
Prof. S.A. Kilic (Bogazici University), H.J. Raatschen (FH Aachen),
B. Körfgen (Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
16:20 Crash Simulation of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene with Analysis of the Failure Probability
N. Sygusch, B. Lauterbach (Opel), Prof. S. Kolling (TU Mittelhessen); J. Schneider (TU Darmstadt)
IIHS Side Impact Evaluations
S. Arnold-Keifer, Prof. S. Weihe, F. Panzer (University of Stuttgart), Prof. S. Kan, Prof. R. Reichert (George Mason University)
Implizite Umformsimulation der wirkmedienbasierten Umformung ohne Formwerkzeug
A. Metzger, D. C. Ruff, T. Ummenhofer (KIT)
Blast Response of Slabs in Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Prof. S.A. Kilic (Bogazici University),
G. Yazici (Istanbul Kultur University),
16:40 Break

Crash - Lightweight Composites
Occupant Safety II
Process - Metal Forming II
17:10 Crashsimulation von Metall-Faserverbund-Sandwichmaterialien
T. Schulte, L. Eckstein (RWTH Aachen),
K. Seidel (fka)
Occupant Protection in Alternative Seating Positions
Prof. M. Boin (Hochschule Ulm)
Modellierung und Optimierung von Ziehsicken mittels neuronaler Netze
S. Leocata, T. Senner, H. Grass (BMW), Prof. A. Brosius (TU Dresden)

Prospects of Integrating CAD and CAE in
Simulation Data Management

M. Thiele, D. Matthus, P. Friedrich (SCALE),
C. Knehler (Audi)

Material Characterization

M. Helbig,
D. Koch (DYNAmore)

In order to obtain the most realistic simulation
results possible, it is essential to describe the
material behavior very accurately. In LS-DYNA
more than 200 material models are implemented,
of which usually only a much smaller selection is used in everyday work.
In this workshop, practical advice is given on how
to create material cards. The most important
models for metals and thermoplastics will be
presented and the determining adjusting screws
will be explained. In addition, practical examples
will be used to show which tests are necessary
to calibrate the material cards.

17:30 Modelling the Interface of Hybrid Metal-FRP Components Joint by Form Closures
M. Triebus, T. Tröster, A. A. Camberg (Universität Paderborn); S. Bienia, K. Dröder (TU Braunschweig)
Model Reduction Techniques for On-board and Parametric Crash and Safety Simulation
Prof. K. Kayvantash (CADLM)
Analyse der Spannungsmehrachsig- keit bei Experimenten zur Ermittlung des Formänderungsver- mögens schergeschnittener Kanten von Stahlblechen
M. Schneider, M. Teschner, S. Westhäuser (Salzgitter Mannesmann)
A Unified Environment for Collaborative
CAE and Immersive Simulation Results’
A. Perifanis, S. Kleidarias (BETA CAE Systems)

17:50 WoodC.A.R. - Holzverbundwerkstoffe für funktionale Fahrzeugstrukturen
T. Jost (Das virtuelle Fahrzeug); U. Müller (Universität Wien); F. Feist (TUGraz); S. Hartmann (DYNAmore)
A new Advanced THOR 5th Crash Test Dummy Finite Element (FE) LS-DYNA Model Development Representing Small Female Occupant
F. Schüssler, F. Zhu, C. Shah (Humanetics)
Möglichkeiten, Herausforderungen und Risiken bei der Erstellung von Materialkarten für die Umformsimulation aktueller Stahlfeinbleche
T. Beier, J. Gerlach, S. Sikora, L. Keßler (thyssenkrupp)
Solution for Evaluation, Assessment and
Reporting of Simulation and Test Result Data
G. Geißler, A. Kumar (SCALE)
18:10 Umformsimulation für endlosfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste mittels *MAT_249
E. Chowson, M. Wrensch (Brose), T. Klöppel (DYNAmore),
W. Körbel, T. Mattner (Universität Erlangen)
FLEX-PLI GTR Regulated Borderline
LS-DYNA Finite Element (FE) Model
C. Brockhusen, F. Zhu, C. Shah (Humanetics)
Model Set up, Analysis and Results of the Inverse Forming tool in ANSA
S. Porikis, E. Iordanidou, G. Mokios (BETA CAE)

19:15 Get-together in the exhibition

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Crash - Punctual Connections Pedestrian Safety
Process - Metal Forming III
Simulation Data Management II


09:00 Daten- und prognosebasierte Generierung von Modellparametern für die Crashsimulation mechanisch gefügter Verbindungen
P. Rochel, S. Sommer (Fraunhofer IWM); A. Iwainsky, D. Herfert, M. Günther (Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik); G. Meschut, D. Hein, P. Giese (Universität Paderborn)
Herausforderungen der frühen virtuellen funktionalen Entwicklungsphase von Kunststoff- bauteilen in Low-Speed- und Fußgänger- schutzlastfällen
C. Kurzböck, M. Koplenig (Das virtuelle Fahrzeug), M. Groß (BMW), B. Fellner, H. Kassegger (Magna Steyr), T. Paier (ZKW Lichtsysteme)
DYNAFORM 6.0 High Lights
J. Chen (ETA)
Advanced results databases compression techniques to allow their efficient use in results data management systems
A. Perifanis, D. Siskos (BETA CAE Systems)

Material Parameter Identification

K. Witowski,
C. Ilg

The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts. The aim is to provide the attendees with insights, limits and merits of the topic. It facilitates the understanding by showcasing simple ­examples that explain the methods. Besides the presentation there will be time for interactions between the presenters and the audience.
09:20 Numerische Analyse eines Blindnietmutter-Schraub-Systems mit Hilfe von LS-DYNA
T. Nehls, N. Fuchs, M. Felsberg
(Fraunhofer IGP),
I. Lepenies (SCALE)
Recent developments for simulating pressure tube sensors in pedestrian crash
J. Karlsson (DYNAmore Nordic)
The Influence of Damage Accumulation on Failure Prediction: A Comparative Assessment of *MAT_224 and *MAT_024 + GISSMO for the Application in Non-Isothermal Sheet Metal Forming
A. Camberg, T. Tröster (Universität Paderborn),
A. Schneidt, N. Sotirov, J. Tölle (Benteler)
Pushing storage and bandwidth requirements of SDM towards reasonable levels
M. Büchse, M. Thiele (SCALE)
09:40 Modeling of Joints with Plug Out Separation Modes by Utilizing Cohesive Shells for Full Vehicle Safety Models
N. Pasligh (Ford)
E. Ertugus (RWTH Aachen)
T. Erhart (DYNAmore)
Comparison of Failure Stress Distributions in Automotive Windscreens by Experiment and Simulation
C. Brokmann, Prof. S. Kolling (TH Mittelhessen)
Ermittlung und Optimierung von temperaturabhängigen Versagenskurven für hochfeste Aluminiumlegierungen im Hotforming-Prozess
J. Schlosser, S. Mouchtar, R. Schneider, W. Rimkus (Hochschule Aalen), D. Harrison, M. Macdonald (Glasgow University)
Automatic Detection of unexpected crash behaviour parallel to Design Improvement Phases
L. Jansen, C. Thole, D. Borsotto (SIDACT)
10:00 Ein „Non-Local“ Modellansatz für die Rissinitiierung an punktförmiger Fügetechnik ohne lokaler Netzanpassung
T. Heubrandtner, K. Kunter, M. Koplenig (Das virtuelle Fahrzeug), T. Porsch (Volkswagen); B. Fellner (Magna Steyr); J.-D. Martinez (Audi)
Benefits of Cloud-based Apps for Simulation:
Pedestrian Safety
M. Seshadri, A. Gittens (ESI)
Numerical Modeling of Single-Step Thermoforming of a Hybrid Metal/FRP Lightweight Structure
J. Ziegs, D. Weck, M. Gude, M. Kästner (TU Dresden)
Analyzing Simulations with Machine Learning
C. Diez (Lasso)
10:20 Break

Crash - Materials, Failure
Topology and Form Optimization
Process - Welding and Heat Treatment
11:00 Linking Process & Product Simulation for Considering Local Material Properties in Crash Simulation
B. Eck, G. Le Lan, R. Schaefer (Faurecia Composite Technologies)
LS-TaSC Product Status/LS-TaSC 4: Designing for the Combination of Impact, Statics, and NVH.
K. Witowski (DYNAmore) W. Roux (LSTC)
Recent Updates to the Structural Conjugate Heat Transfer Solver of LS-DYNA
T. Klöppel, P. Vogel (DYNAmore)

Simulation Data Management

The workshop gives an overview of the SCALE SDM products such as LoCo, CAViT and Status.E.


The software solution VALIMAT enables the generation of validated material cards based on tests results (e.g. bending, tensile) for static and especially dynamic applications. The necessary dynamic measurement data (bending, tensile, compression or puncture tests) can be generated easy and quickly by pendulum testing device IMPETUS™. Based on well-defined workflows in VALIMAT material cards can be generated straight forward for LS-DYNA material models. Following topics will be covered:
VALIMAT introduction & new features in v3.5
DYNAMIC TENSILE TESTS with IMPETUS - a new available test method
Usage of VALIMAT - Live

11:20 News about the Add-on Failure and Damage Models in LS-DYNA
T. Erhart (DYNAmore)
Efficient Analysis of Topological Sensitivities for Crash Problems using LS-DYNA Implicit
K. Weider, Prof. A. Schumacher, (Universität Wuppertal)
Coupling of Material-, Heat Treatment- and Welding Processes as a Simulation Chain for Industrial Applications
T. Loose, J. Prehm, J. Rohbrecht (DynaWeld), U. Diekmann, (Matplus)

Rissausbreitung im Crash – ein neuer Ansatz ohne lokale Feinvernetzung

K. Kunter, T. Heubrandtner, M. Koplenig (Das virtuelle Fahrzeug), B. Fellner (Magna Steyr), J. Martinez (Audi)
Aktuelle Schlüssel Herausforderungen in Toplogie- und parametrischer Optimierung angehen : 1. wandeln Topologieoptimierung organisch anmutende Ergebnisse in 3D Flächengeometrie Modell um, 2. verwenden Substructuring in einer prozessgeführten Umgebung
A. Kaloudis (BETA CAE Systems)
Welding Structure Simulation – Extended Beyond the Borders of Academic Testcases - Exemplarily Demonstrated by Simulating the Assembly of Welded Car Body Components. Introduction of the „Free Motion-Filler-Technology“
J. Rohbrecht (DynaWeld)
12:00 Analyses on the Strain-Rate Dependent Fracture Behaviour of PMMA for Stochastic Simulations
M. Berlinger, P. Schrader, Prof. S. Kolling
(TH Mittelhessen)
Shape Optimization of a Ground Vehicle for CFD Analysis using LS-OPT, ANSA and LS-DYNA ICFD
K. Witowski (DYNAmore), F. Del Pin (LSTC)
Current LS-DYNA Developments in Thermal Radiation - *BOUNDARY_RADIATION_ENCLOSURE
G. Blankenhorn, R. Grimes, F. Rouet (LSTC)
12:20 Lunch Break

13:40 Virtueller Versuch bei Knorr-Bremse
Frank Günther (Knorr Bremse)

Integration neuer graphischer Auswertemethoden zur verbesserten Erkennung von Blechversagen unter dem Einfluss nicht-linearer Dehnungspfade

Prof. Hora (ETH Zürich)
Charakterisierung und Modellierung des Crashverhaltens von verschiedenen Werkstoffen und Verbindungen
Silke Sommer (Fraunhofer IWM)
15:10 Break

Crash - Railway Vehicles and Impact
Material Characterization Process - Rolling and Bending
15:40 Crashsimulation in der Schienenfahrzeugindustrie
A. Piasetzki (Bombardier)
Werkstoffcharakterisier- ung – Rateneffekte, Skaleneffekte, Schädigung, Instabilität und adiabatische Erwärmung
F. Huberth, D.-Z Sun, S. Klitschke, A. Trondl, J. Lienhard,
S. Sommer, M. Hauber, D. Discher (Fraunhofer IWM)
Weiterentwickeltes Warmwalzsimulations- modell von Aluminiumlegierungen für die Berücksichtigung des Bandprofils
P. Simon, G. Falkinger (AMAG),
K. Zeman, T. Pumhössel (JKU Linz)
HPC in der Cloud – Moderne IT Architekturen
effizient nutzen. Die Sicht eines unabhängigen Dienstleisters
S. Riedel (GNS Systems)


Oasys PRIMER is a leading pre-processor for LS-DYNA® which is widely used by automotive OEM’s and suppliers worldwide. Oasys PRIMER is the pre-processor designed to make preparation and modification of LS-DYNA® models as quick and as simple as possible.

This workshop will be informative for new as well as experienced users. We will cover the core functionality and benefits, including comprehensive model checking,
LS-DYNA® keyword support and model modification and investigation tools.

We will also discuss more advanced tools, such as occupant positioning, seatbelt fitting, loadcase setup and scripting.

Finally, we will look at how Oasys PRIMER is integrated with the Oasys post-processing tools to enable swift analysis of results and feedback to the input deck – to help produce quality, error-free
LS-DYNA® models.
16:00 Kurzzeitdynamische Stauchuntersuchungen an Absorberkomponenten aus GFK
M. Holzapfel, M. Vinot, D. Fricke, M. Kaden (DLR)
Charakterisierung eines PU-Montageklebstoffs und vergleichende Anpassung verschiedener Materialmodelle in LS-DYNA
M. Gall, S. Sommer (Fraunhofer IWM); F. Zerling, T. Wagner, R. Schlimper (Fraunhofer IMWS)
Optimization of Tooling Design for Hot Mandrel Bending of Pipe Elbows
J. Prehm (DynaWeld), U. Diekmann (Matplus), W. Homberg, D. Tabakajew, T. Rostek (Paderborn University), Andreea Trasca (Metatech), N. Schönhoff, H. Uysal (Lindemann)
Hybrid Cloud Cluster Solutions for HPC and IOT – Challenges, Impact and Industrial Use Cases
A. Heine (CPU 24/7)
16:20 Beam Modeling of Hydraulic Energy Absorbers
Philipp Heinzl, Glenn Gough, Richard Graf (Siemens), Christoph Schmied (DYNAmore)
Testing and modeling of rubber toughended thermoplastics with LS-DYNA
M. Helbig, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
Freiformbiegen mit rollierendem Biegekopf, Simulation des strukturmechanischen Prozesses
M. Gitterle (Hochschule München); C. Fritzsche (TU München); P. Schüle (Schüle)

Lizenz-Monitoring: Echtzeit-Analyse
offenbart tatsächlichen Bedarf

H. Köster (GNS Systems)
16:40 Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung von schlagbelasteten Aramidgewebeverbunden
M. Mehrkens, D. John (imk automotive)
Material Models For Thermoplastics In
LS-DYNA® From Deformation To Failure
P. Reithofer, A. Fertschej, B. Hirschmann, B. Jilka, M. Rollant, (4a engineering)
Charakterisierung der Grobblechumformung beim freien Biegen mit Hilfe von LS-DYNA
P. Froitzheim, N. Fuchs (Fraunhofer IGP)
Enterprise Cloud for CAE
JJ Jones (Rescale)
17:00 Break

Crash - Road Safety
Optimization: Material Parameters & Statistical Classifiers
Process - Forming and Additive Manufacturing
17:30 Crash-Simulation von Fahrzeugen an Schutzeinrichtungen der Straße
B. Fröhlich (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen)
Applications and Future Scope of Statistical Classifiers in LS-OPT
A. Basudhar, I. Gandikota, N. Stander, D. Kirpicev (LSTC) Katharina Witowski (DYNAmore)
Thermoplastic Fiber Reinforced Plastics:
Material Characterization and Draping Simulation
C. Ilg, E. Sola, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
ACP OpDesign – Optimal Design Gateway
A. Farahani (eta)

GNS OpenForm

17:50 Robustheitsbewertung von unterschiedlicher Anprallsituation für einen Sicherheitsleitplanke an Straßen
J. Drozda, Roger Schlegel (Dynardo); T. Rotter (TU Prag)
Full-Field Material Calibration using LS-OPT
N. Stander, A. Basudhar, S. Du Bois, D. Kirpicev, I. Gandikota (LSTC), K. Witowski, C. Ilg, A. Haufe (DYNAmore), A. Svedin, (DYNAmore Nordic)
Simulation Strategies for Additive Manufacturing with LS-DYNA
C. Liebold (DYNAmore)
Packaging Optimization Driven by Parametric
Morphing: Development
of an Automatic Methodology
C. Martin, A. Ortalda (EnginSoft)
18:10 Parameter Identification of the MAT_036 Material Model using Full-Field Calibration
C. Ilg, A. Haufe, D. Koch, K. Witowski (DYNAmore),
N. Stander (LSTC),
Prof. M. Liewald (Universität Stuttgart)
Simulation of Different Path Strategies of Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing with Lagrangian Finite Element Methods
J. Buhl, R. Israr, L. Nguyen, M. Bambach (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
Automatic Shape Optimization of a Rivet Coupling modeFRONTIER and LS-DYNA
A. Ortalda (EnginSoft)
18:30 End of Sessions
19:15 Reception in the exibithion hall
20:00 Gala Dinner in  Hegelsaal

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Fluid-Structure and Ice-Structure Interaction
Materials - Short Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Process - Arena 2036
Simulation - Bolt Modeling and Delamination Workshop
09:00 Washing Machine Outlet Hose Analysis in Full Water Condition using SPH Elements
C. Desai, S. Vishwakarma (Whirlpool of India)
Multi-scale Material Modeling Applied from Specimen to Full Car Level
S. Calmels, P. Hebert (e-Xstream Engineering)
ARENA2036 & the Digital Prototype: Introduction and Overview
C. Liebold (DYNAmore)

CAE Bolt Assessment in Car Seat Structures

S. Sinne, P. Partheymüller, J. Gehrlich (Brose)

Failure prediction in crash simulations with the GISSMO model

F. Andrade (DYNAmore)

This workshop is indicated to all LS-DYNA users who want to make the first steps regarding failure modeling in crash simulations. The subject will be addressed during the workshop where relevant aspects concerning failure prediction will be reviewed and the application of the GISSMO model for such simulations will be demonstrated.

09:20 FSI Hood Flutter
L. Rovira Crespo, J. Dilworth, P. Young (Arup)
Influence Parameters on the Behaviour of Short Fibre Reinforced Polyamide with Focus on Humidity and Integrative Simulation
S. Seichter, R. Steinberger, S. Ilincic (Hirtenberger), W. Hahn (Hilti), M. Morak (PCCL), P. Reithofer (4a engineering)
Textile process simulation for the digital simulation chain
H. Finckh (DITF)
Modeling Bolts in LS-DYNA Using Explicit and Implicit Time Integration
M. Schenke (DYNAmore), N. Karajan, A. Gromer (DYNAmore Corp); T. Borrvall (DYNAmore Nordic); K. Pydimarry (Honda)

Advanced Numerical Model for Viscous Friction of Rough Rubber and Smooth Ice

R. Leonardi, A. Scattina (Politecnico di Torino) S. Scalera, (DYNAmore Italy)
*MAT_4A_MICROMEC: Generating material card and considering fiber orientation
P. Reithofer, A. Fertschej, B. Jilka (4a engineering)
Infiltration Simulation and Virtual Permeability Determination for the Digital Prototype
J. Dittmann (Universität Stuttgart)
Demokratisierung komplexer CAE Methoden mit Hilfe von Power Apps
Prof. S.A. Kilic (Bogazici University), H.J. Raatschen (FH Aachen),
B. Körfgen (Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
10:00 Simulation der Struktur-Eis-Interaktion mit CZM-Elementen
H. Herrnring, L. Kellner, J. M. Kubiczek, S. Ehlers
(TU Hamburg)
Der Einfluss auf LS-DYNA-Resultate durch die Kopplung mit der Spritzgusssimulation
T. Schäfer, C. Hinse (SimpaTec)
A Multiscale Strategy for the Simulation of Braided Composites with ENVYO
M. Vinot, M. Holzapfel (DLR)

Modelling of a Traditional Bow and Arrow - Material Modelling and Dynamic Simulation

G. Baumann, F. Feist, G. Schickhofer, S. Zimmer (TU Graz)
10:20 Break

Simulation - Isogeometric and FE Technology
Materials - Orthotropic Plasticity, Damage, Failure
Fatigue and NVH
11:00 Explicit Isogeometric Crash Analysis on Trimmed NURBS-based Multi-Patch CAD Models in LS-DYNA
L. Leidinger (BMW Group and TU Münschen),
M. Breitenberger, A. M. Bauer, R. Wüchner, Prof. K. U. Bletzinger, Prof. F. Duddeck (TU München), S. Hartmann (DYNAmore), L. Song (BMW)
A Hosford-based Orthotropic Plasticity Model in LS-DYNA
F. Andrade (DYNAmore), T. Borrvall (DYNAmore Nordic),
P. DuBois (Consultant), M. Feucht (Daimler)
Updated Fatigue Analysis with LS-DYNA
Y. Huang, Z. Cui (LSTC)
FEM-Simulation von Stoßbelastungen am menschlichen Körper: Methodik zur Entwicklung von Gewebemodellen
Z. Wang, R. Behrens, N. Elkmann (Fraunhofer IFF)

Mapping Tool Envyo

The workshops feature both informative and how-to knowledge with demonstrations of the latest features from experts.The aim is to provide the attendees with insights, limits and merits of the topic. It facilitates the understanding by showcasing simple ­examples that explain the methods. Besides the presentation there will be time for interactions between the presenters and the audience.
11:20 Sheet metal forming simulation with IGA in LS-DYNA
S. Hartmann (DYNAmore)
On the Development of a new Generalized Orthotropic Damage and Fracture Model
D. Koch, F. Andrade, A. Haufe (DYNAmore), P. Du Bois (Consultant), M. Feucht (Daimler)
Analyse der Korrelation zwischen dem Ermüdungsverhalten Remote-Lasergeschnittener Faserkunststoff- verbunde und der Prozessführung
B. Schmidt, Prof. M. Kästner (TU Dresden), M. Rose, Prof. M. Zimmermann (Fraunhofer IWS)
Numerical Analysis of Stent Delivery Systems during Pre- and Intraoperative Processes
M. Geith, Prof. G. Holzapfel (TU Graz),
K. Swidergal, T. Schratzenstaller, Prof. M. Wagner
(OTH Regensburg)

A study on the new higher-order solid elements in

C. Schmied, T. Erhart (DYNAmore)
Nonlocal Damage and Failure Options in LS-DYNA
G. Blankenhorn, J. Wang, L. Bindeman (LSTC),
Tobias Erhart (DYNAmore)
Direct Steady State Dynamic (SSD) Analysis with LS-DYNA
Y. Huang, Z. Cui, F.-H. Rouet, C. Ashcraft (LSTC)
Characterization of friction for human impact simulation in vehicle crash applications
S. Dong (Ohio State University); A. Sheldon (Honda R&D Americas)

Optimierung der Newmark-Euler-Zeitintegrationsparameter für eine stabile und effiziente implizite Simulation rotierender elastischer Strukturen

M. Kober, A. Kühhorn (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg), A. Keskin (Rolls-Royce)

A Modifed In-Plane Constitutive Model for Paperboard

M. Pfeifer, Prof. S. Kolling (TH Mittelhessen),
P. Stein, W. Franke (TU Darmstadt)
12:20 Lunch Break


Simulation for Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Basilica, Barcelona

R. Sturt (Arup)
14:00 LS-OPT: Status and Outlook
N. Stander (LSTC)

Recent Developments - Part II

Y. Huang (LSTC), T. Erhart (DYNAmore)
15:00 Closing remarks
T. Münz (DYNAmore)

Program subjected to alterations

error while rendering dynamore.policy.portlet-tiles