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Conference Hotel


The LS-DYNA Forum 2012 will be held at the Maritim Hotel in Ulm, Germany:

Maritim Hotel Ulm
Maritim Hotel Ulm
Basteistraße 40, 89073 Ulm
Tel. +49 (0) 731 923-0
Fax +49 (0) 731 923-1000
Reservierung: +49 (0) 731 923-0

Hotel room

A restricted number of reduced-price rooms have been reserved for Forum

guests at the Maritim Hotel until 13th August 2012. Please book your hotel

room yourself under the heading “LS-DYNA”.


The Maritim Hotel Ulm lies on the banks of the Danube, not far from the main

railway station and the trade fair with direct connection to the Congress

Centre Ulm. Starting from here, a splendid walk along the Danube leads to

the romantic old city with the famous Ulmer Münster, the historic Fischerviertel

(fishing quarters) and theGerberviertel (tanneries) and numerous interesting


Distance to main railway station: 2,4 km
Distance to motorway: 6 km
Distance to Stuttgart airport: 82 km

Images by courtesy: Ulm/Neu-Ulm Touristik GmbH

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