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Tools and Technologies for Processing Ultra High Strenght Materials, 19-20 September 2013, Graz Austria

Tools and Technologies for Prosessing Ultra High Strenght Materials

19-20 September 2013, Graz Austria

The success of our last TTP2011 conference demonstrated that research in the field of ultrahigh-strength steel and presshardening is of great importance.
Especially the large amount of industrial participants proves the relevance of these topic for the economy. Due to that fact we would like to meet your expectations with the second conference „Tools and Technologies for Processing Ultra High Strength Materials“ from September 19th – 20th, 2013.

We want to provide a forum for a productive exchange between science and industry. Therefore we cordially invite you to round up the conference program with your contribution. This can be done with either a “scientific paper” or an “industrial presentation”. In any case we are looking forward to welcome you in Graz.

Please listen to our presentation on 20 September, 12:10-12:35 (Processes 1-3):
The Stamping to Crash Simulation Process Chain: A study of Damage Parameters with regard to Element Size Dependency in the Crashworthiness Prediction
D. Lorenz, A. Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH); M. Feucht (Daimler AG)


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