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New Developments in Sheet Metal Forming

13 - 14 May 2014, Fellbach/Stuttgart, Germany

13 - 14 May 2014, Fellbach/Stuttgart, Germany

The International Conference » New Developments in Sheet Metal Forming « is organised every second year in collaboration with the Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik mbH Stuttgart (FGU).

About 350 engineers from commercial companies and universities are expected to attend this conference. During both days of the conference attendees will have the opportunity to join the dispute regarding the state of the art and future tendencies in sheet metal forming and to give impact on future public research- and development activities.

German and foreign experts from universities and industry will present papers. Thus an adequate mix of theory and technical know-how will be provided.

The presentations will be held in English or German with simultaneous translations.

Please visit our booth in the exhibition.

Please find more information here.