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Automotive Lightweight , April ´18

25 - 26 April 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

International VDI Conference – Simulation in Automotive Lightweight Engineering

25 - 26 April 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

To achieve a successful manufacturing process and ensure reliable predictions of a part’s or component’s performance, the integration of accurate computer assisted simulation becomes increasingly important. In contrast to physical prototyping the usage of simulation software applications enables a much more cost efficient and flexible approach to test and validate lightweight designs. At the same time simulation helps answering the key questions regarding the overall manufacturability as well as properties and behavior of parts, components and advanced materials in the manufacturing process.
Conference Topics

The new international VDI conference on “Simulation in Automotive Lightweight Engineering” will focus on the key aspects of process simulation, material modeling, structural simulation, verification strategies as well as linking these steps towards an integrated simulation chain.

DYNAmore will give a presentation at the conference.

Please find further information about the conference here.