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DNV choose LS-DYNA for welding simulations

DNV Materials Laboratory http://www.dnv.com/services/materials/ has selected LS-DYNA for welding simulations of offshore- and pressurized structures and components.

DNV Materials Laboratory http://www.dnv.com/services/materials/ has selected LS-DYNA for

welding simulations of offshore- and pressurized structures and components.


DYNAmore Nordic has together with specialists from DNV and Chalmers University of Technology* developed a new material model to accurately calculate the residual stresses in welded structures.The LS-DYNA implicit solves the coupled thermo-mechanical problem in less than one hour.


If you are interested in the LS-DYNA for welding simulations, please contact


* Department of Applied Mechanics, Division of Material and Computational Mechanics
* Department of Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design