LS-DYNA R7.1.2 released
New version of LS-DYNA is released for all common platforms.
Release notes for Version R7.1.2.
Herein are summarized most of the new features, enhancements, and significant corrections made since the release of version R7.1.1. These notes are arranged by topic. Understand that in many cases, a particular note may have applicability to multiple topics, but in the interest of brevity, each note is listed only once and under only one topic heading.
- Make VNTOPT in *AIRBAG_HYBRID work for
- *DATABASE_ABSTAT: Fix mdot_out for CPM chamber abstat database.
- Bug fix for *AIRBAG_SIMPLE_AIRBAG_MODEL when using *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM. The input parameters MU and A were converted correctly but the pre-converted values were written to the file.
- Implement *DELETE_AIRBAG for small restart.
- All *BOUNDARY IDs are offset by idroff when included by *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
- Turn off pore air boundary condition (*BOUNDARY_PAP) during dynamic relaxation.
- Fix incorrect rigid body velocities when using *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID_LOCAL and*INITIAL_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY.
- Error terminate if *BOUNDARY_SPC_NODE_BIRTH_DEATH is applied to a node that belongs to a rigid body.
- *BOUNDARY_ACOUSTIC_COUPLING_MISMATCH: Fix for spurious automatic coupling with faces on free surface of *MAT_ACOUSTICelements.
- MPP tied contact initialization: Change a tolerance in groupable tied contact bucketsort to match the non-groupable code, and fix the slave node thickness used for beam nodes during initial search in non-groupable contact to match groupable contact.
- MPP groupable tied contact: Honor TIEDPRJ in *CONTROL_CONTACT, and output messages about moved nodes to match non-groupable tied contact.
- MPP eroding contact: Fix problem of every processor participating in every eroding contact, even if they had none of the nodes or elements. This caused scaling issues.
- Fix for MPP contact force summation as applied to shells with compressive thickness behavior.
- MPP beam to surface contact: remove "beam" node mass from the penalty stiffness calculation when soft=1 is used, which matches SMP behavior.
- Various fixes to intfor output for MPP contact.
- MPP tied contact with adaptivity: if any master segments get adapted, we were dropping any slave nodes. Now flag these, and do a bucketsort for just these nodes, to find their new tied location. This allows tied contacts to work across adaptive steps.
- MPP contact: fix routine that updates segment Correct update of segment thicknesses for solid elements (every cycle) so that it honors the OPTT parameter in *PART_CONTACT.
- MPP: fix problem with *CONTACT_TIED_..._BEAM_OFFSET and full deck restart: data for this contact type was not properly written to the d3full file, making full deck restart with this contact type impossible.
- Fix problem when using *INTERFACE_LINKING together with constrained tied interfaces. Nodes involved in both are removed from the linking interface, but this was leaving some internal structures out of sync, sometimes causing nodes to be moved improperly.
- MPP eroding contact: fix long standing bug that might have improperly excluded some nodes from contact.
- Fix for MPP two sided force transducers with erosion: shared nodes were only flagged on one processor, so some forces along processor boundaries might not have been counted to a force transducer.
- Fix rarely triggered bug for beam thickness/stiffness in MPP *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL.
- Fix for MPP groupable contact and implicit when there are both constraint and penalty contact types.
- Fix segmentation fault when using *CONTACT_GUIDED_CABLE.
- Fix incorrect contact behavior when using *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL_INTERIOR for beams with large differences in thickness and when the thinner beams are closer to each other than to the thicker beams. Affects SMP only.
- Fix incorrect contact thickness used for *CONTACT_ENTITY type 8 and 9 when the contact thickness scale factor, g2, is non-zero.
- Fix *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_FLAT_DISPLAY which incorrectly displayed the rigidwall being penetrated by the slave nodes.
- Add contact friction energy to the SLEOUT database file for _2D_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE and_2D_AUTOMATIC_SINGLE_SURFACE contact.
- Fix a 2D automatic contact bug that occurred if a segment has zero length. An infinite thickness value was caculated by A/L causing the bucket sort to fail.
- Fix an error in 2D automatic contact sliding interface energy reported in glstat. The outputted value was about 2x the correct value.
- Fix both the intersection and initial penetration reporting of segment based (soft=2) contact when the shared constraint flag SHAREC is set for the contact. The reporting of segment pairs that share nodes will not be made when SHAREC=1, but can be reported if neighbor segment checking is active.
- Fix an MPP 2-surface force transducer blunder when segment based contact is used. The symptom observed was a change in bucket sort behavior making the contact less reliable for contact bewteen segments that are not on the same MPP partition when 2-surface force transducers were used.
- Fix a full deck restart error with SMP segment based contact. A segmentation fault was likely.
- Add support for eroding, 2-surface force transducers when used with segment based contact. Data is now updated so that when solid element erodes and new segments exposed, force on these surfaces will be reported to the force transduders.
- Stop segment based (soft=2) contact from reporting initial penetrations between segment pairs that share nodes. Such segment pairs can only exist when SHAREC=1 as they otherwise do not pass the bucket sort so do not make the list.
- Fix an error with SMP consistency in the segment based (soft=2) contact neighbor segment check activated by setting SFNBR>0.
- Fix MPP full deck restart when using segment based contact. It has been broken since rev 64900.
- Fix the IGAP>2 option on *CONTACT Optional Card C for segment based contact for SMP and MPP, and also the regular contact for SMP only. The count of cycles used the cycle number rather than equilibrium steps. The problem in using cycle number is that there is no way to know how many implicit cycles will occur prior to converging so it almost guarantees that the gap stiffness will switch off during iterations. Also, the MPP segment based contact was not even working correctly with cycles.
- Fix a problem with segment based contact when used with dynamic relaxation and when the solution was switched to implicit after convergence. The contact was scaled too soft causing pass through.
- Fix an error that could occur in segment based contact when some element(s) grow very large. Due to a cap on the possible number of sorting buckets, it was possible during a bucket sort for the majority of elements to be left in a few buckets with most of the buckets remaining empty. This caused the bucket sort to become extremely slow. It also had the potential to overrun a buffer causing a segmentation fault. With this fix, the buffer will no longer overflow, and there is also a fix such that when some elements grow large, the bucket sort does not slow down very much.
- *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SINGLE_SURFACE_MORTAR previously did not work with beam elements but now works.
- *CONTACT_FORMING_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_MORTAR, *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE: Look ahead adaptive simulation with forming mortar contact was broken at some point, but is now fixed.
- In initializing *CONTACT_FORMING_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_MORTAR, reversal of contact segments took a long time if slave and master part were far away from each other. This algorithm is now improved. The typical situation when this is observed is when trimming the blank, some master surfaces are far away so as to not be in play but may still be in the contact definition.
- Rework MPP support for *CONSTRAINED_MULTIPLE_GLOBAL so that it works with more than just solid elements.
- Fix MPP decomposition for some joint types.
- Fix bug for *CONSTRAINED_SHELL_TO_SOLID -- MPP only.
- Fix input error when using large load curve ID for FMPH, FMT, FMPS in card 3 of *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS with_GENERALIZED or _TRANSLATIONALoptions.
- Fix seg fault if using tables for FMPH of *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS and if the angle of rotation is less than the the abscissa of the table or load curves.
- *CONSTRAINED_JOINT: Fix for noncoincident joint node error warnings STR+65, STR+67, and STR+72. Old data that used to run was error terminating. Now, error termination happens only if both the old and new tolerances are exceeded.
- Improve the precsion of spot weld constraints (*CONSTRAINED_SPOTWELD) to prevent possible divide by zeroes when the inertia tensor is inverted. This affect the single precision version only.
- Fix for *CONSTRAINED_SPR2. If the resultant normal directions of slave and master sheet were not the same, high shear forces could develop initially.
- *CONTROL_TIMESTEP: Fix a bug whereby selective mass scaling (*CONTROL_TIMESTEP) was not properly initialized in a simple restart.
- *DATABASE_NCFORC: Modify output of ncforc file to support output in a local coordinate system. If CID_RCF (field 8 on optional card C) is defined for a contact interface, output the ncforc file in this coordinate system (sothat it matches the rcforc file).
- MPP ncforc output: sum forces for slave nodes to fix possibleproblems with shared nodes and symmetric contacts.
- *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_SPOTWELD, *DATABASE_SWFORC: Fix missing swforc output of spr welds -- MPP only.
- *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR: Add support of surface energy output to intfor for contact types 4, 13 and 26 -- MPP only.
- *DATABASE_TRACER: Fix bug for SPH tracer particle output -- MPP only.
- Fix incorrect output to disbout for discrete beams (*DATABASE_DISBOUT).
- Fix stress/strain output to elout which were in local system instead of global when EOCS=2 in *CONTROL_OUTPUT and CMPLG=1 in*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY. Resolve the conflicting input by giving priority to EOCS.
- Fix incorrect output 0.0 for history variable #3, bulkq viscosity, of solids to d3plot when in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY and when equation-of-state is used.
- Fix non-functioning *DATABASE_SBTOUT and *DATABASE_DISCRETE keywords.
- Fix incorrect coordinate system used for strains output to d3plot when CMPFLG=1 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY and MAXINT<0 for orthotropic and anisotropic materials.
- Fix inadvertent strain output to d3plot history variables when NODOUT=ALL/ALL_GL/STRAIN/STRAIN_GL or INTOUT=ALL/STRAIN in*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY.
- *DATABASE_ELOUT: Fix elout stress output for shell element forms 23 and 24. The in-plane averaging was incorrect causing wrong output.
- Redo stress and strain output for thick shells. This should produce slightly different results in the output files (not the solution) since some corrections were made to the local to global transformation done for thick shell types 2 and 3. Forms 1 and 5 should not change.
- *DATABASE_SECFORC: Correct the sign of secforc data for thick shell forms 2, 3, and 5. The force magnitude was correct but the sign wrong.
- *DATABASE_ELOUT: Fix eloutdet stress and strain output for thick shell form 5. It was outputting nonsense.
- Synchronize output time for intfor and d3plot databases. Add *INTEGRATION... data to d3prop output.
- Fix bug in d3plot if MSSCL option is defined in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY.
- Fix a bug related to using superelements (*ELEMENT_DIRECT_MATRIX_INPUT) with explicit and having null columns in the linear algebra system due to improperly constructed model.
- Output of midside node data to d3xxxx databases was incorrect in MPP.
- Fix a bug for detailed element output (eloutdet) for 6-node or 4-node solid when ESORT of *CONTROL_SOLID >0, and for solid element type 15.
- Fix "*** termination due to mass increase ***' error when using mass scaling with *ELEMENT_MASS_PART.
- Fix fix incorrect output of initial stresses and initial strains to dynain for thick shells.
- Fix incorrect reading of TIME on Card 3 of *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SENSOR, SBSTYP=3 when using long=s on the execution line.
- Error terminate with message, STR+1296, if same node is defined multiple times in *ELEMENT_MASS_MATRIX.
- Fix seg fault when using shell formulation 18,20,21 for implicit eigenvalue analysis and when triangular shell elements are present.
- Fix input error when using *ELEMENT_SHELL_SHL4_TO_SHL8.
- Fix time step being set to zero after full deck restart for problems with discrete elements.
- Fix input error during adaptivity cycle when using *PART_ANNEAL with adaptivity.
- Add warning message, STR+1286, when no mid-side nodes are defined for shell element type 23 and 24.
- Fix thick shell form 5 when used in implicit solutions with non isotropic materials. The stiffness matrix was wrong due to incorrect transformations.
- Fix the implicit stiffness of thin and thick shells when used with laminated shell theory by assumed strain (LAMSHT=3,4,5 on*CONTROL_SHELL). Elements were either failing to converge or converging more slowly due to the failure to adjust the stiffness matrix to be consistent with the assumed strains which are the basis for the forces on the right side of the equation.
- Improve the accuracy of the Belytshko-Schwer resultant beam (form 2) in single precision.
- *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY, CMPFLG: Rework the thick shell stress output routine. The 4-point in-plane elements (forms 2 and 3) could not correctly average the stress from the 4 points when outputting only 1 and when outputting in the composite material direction. Therefore, I changed the order of the output calculations to do averaging in the material direction rather than the global system. This change has no effect on the solution, and should only affect stress output in the material direction, not the global direction.
- *CONTROL_SOLID, ESORT: Suppress sorting of tetrahedral acoustic elements into non-acoustic tets.
- Fix the NLOC option on *SECTION_SHELL for the BCIZ triangle elements (ELFORM=3) and DKT triangles (ELFORM=17). The offset was scaled by the solution time step so typically the offset was much smaller than expected.
- Fix implicit thick shell form 2 when used with *MAT_058. Since rev 81390, the stiffness matrix has been wrong and convergence impossible.
- Remove an inappropriate warning message (INI+161) for cable elements with *MAT_071.
- Fix the rigid body inertia calculation for 2D axisymmetric element types 14, 15, 44, 46, and 47. While this affects the mass properties reported to d3hsp, it likely has no effect on the solution.
- Modify shell element form 16. The node 1 coordinates are now subracted from the other nodal coordinates in double precision so the precision of the element is independent of location in space. Some minor recoding of this part of the code makes it slightly faster on Xeon64 even though there are 9 additional subtractions per element per time step. Single precision results with shell section 16 will be slightly different with this change but single precision results should be closer to double precision.
- Fix the long option of *ELEMENT_SHELL_COMPOSITE_LONG. A mistake in keyword reading caused an erroneous KEY+157 error message.
- Fix thick shell form 3 when used with an equation of state. The pressure was not properly accounted for in the stress calculation.
- Fix thick shell form 5 when used with equations of state. The equation of state pressure was being calculated for only the last integration point, creating nonphysical deformation. The material models fixed are *MAT_008, *MAT_009, *MAT_010, *MAT_011, *MAT_015,*MAT_017, *MAT_065, *MAT_088, *MAT_155, and *MAT_224.
- *CONTROL_SHELL: Fix an initialization problem with laminated shell theory when the data has some shell or thick shell parts that use*PART_COMPOSITEor *INTEGRATION_SHELL and some others that do not. It was possible for lamatinated shell theory data to be clobbered causing unpredictable element behavior.
- Add z-stress calculation for thick shell forms 1 and 2 for the material types *MAT_015, *MAT_034, *MAT_060, *MAT_098, *MAT_108,*MAT_115, *MAT_122, *MAT_125, *MAT_130, *MAT_137, *MAT_165, *MAT_170, *MAT_172, *MAT_203, *MAT_204, *MAT_214,*MAT_222, *MAT_234, *MAT_235, *MAT_244, and *MAT_255. Prior to this change, strange deformation would likely occur. Note: This z-stress is not part of a full 3D stress update as it is for thick shell formulation 3 and 5.
Frequency Domain
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD, _RANDOM_VIBRATION, _RESPONSE_SPECTRUM: Fix the variable names for beam data written to elout_ssd, elout_psd, and elout_spcm.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION: Fix problem where random vibration analysis was not activated after eigenvalue analysis due to mismatch of termination time and time step size specified in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_FRF: Fix a bug in writing Modal contribution factor.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM: Fix memory allocation for pressure output array in bem acoustic analysis for the case nfreq=0.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_FEM: Fix a bug in initialization of the load curve in FEM Acoustics, when the boundary condition is given by transient analysis.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION: Fix a bug in computing rms of displacement, in case the PSD integration provides a negative area.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION: Fix a bug in running random vibration with time history load.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_FRF, *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD: Fix a bug in running frf and ssd with pressure loading.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RESPONSE_SPECTRUM: Fix a bug in running response spectrum analysis, related to scaling of modal stresses.
- Fix a bug in outputing solid types with midside nodes to binary frequency domain databases when tet10=1 in *CONTROL_OUTPUT.
- *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_FRF: Fix bug in running frf with 8-node quadratic quadrilateral shells. Fix a bug in running frf when 10-noded tetrahedrons are present.
- Fix incorrect initial velocities when using *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION with irigid=1 and *PART_INERTIA with xc=yc=zc=0 and nodeid>0 with *DEFINE_TRANSFORMATION.
- Fix incorrect initial velocity when using *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION with NX,NY,NZ defined and also *PART_INERTIA is used.
- Fix incorrect start time for initialization of velocities when PHASE=0 in *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION and*INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME is present.
- Fix stress initialization with *INITIAL_STRESS_SECTION for tetahedron formulation 17.
- *INITIAL_VELOCITY: Fix rigid body velocity initialization for the case of pure translation. Nonzero stress could be generated in parts that shared nodes with rigid bodies. The problem was that the calculation to initialize rigid body velocities and rotations is susceptible to round-off error such that the rigid body has tiny initial rotations which lead to stress in the deformable elements.
- *INITIAL_STRESS: Fix thick shell stress initialization which was improperly initializing the stress data data for for thick shell forms 2 and 3. Also correct the warning message for shell and thick shell stress initialization when the number or location of thickness integration points in the initialization data does not match the elements to be initialized. This is messages INI+143, INI+144, INI+145, INI+146, and INI+147. I also made a similar correction for INI+213 which is related to initial failure.
- Add load curves for dynamic relaxation for *LOAD_THERMAL_VARIABLE.
- Fix input error when using *LOAD_MOVING_PRESSURE with >100 Card 2's.
- Fix incorrect stress initialization with dynamic relaxation when using *LOAD_SEGMENT_SET with
- *LOAD_SEGMENT; *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE: Fix bug whereby loads on non-adapting parts were affected when 3D adaptivity is invoked.
- Moment of rotational discrete element can be traced by *SENSOR_DEFINE_ELEMENT, with ETYPE=DISC-ELE and CTYPE=FORCE
- SENSOR referred to by *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION returns a value of:
- "0" when the status of ctrlid is OFF and TYPE is not FUNCTION,
- "TYPEID" when the status of ctrlid is OFF and TYPE is FUNCTION
- Fix a bug when using *SENSOR_DEFINE_FORCE to trace the pressure of *AIRBAG_ADIABATIC.
- Fix bug in hysteretic behaviour of reinforcement in *MAT_174. Occasionally, it was possible for the Bauschinger effect on re-loading to be lost - for that half-cycle, the behaviour would become elastic-perfectly-plastic. This bug occurred only rarely.
- *MAT_082_RCDC:
- Fix bug where damage from load curves was incorrectly calculated for solid elements.
- Fix error in scaling of averaged nodal pressure for solid formulation 13.
- Check diagonal terms of C-matrix of *MAT_002/*MAT_{OPTION}TROPIC_ELASTIC and error terminate with message, STR+1306, if any of them are negative.
- Fix incorrect stress initialization of *MAT_57/*MAT_LOW_DENSITY_FOAM using dynain file with *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLID when NHISV is equal to the number of history variables for this *MAT_057.
- Fix error when using *MAT_144/*MAT_PITZER_CRUSHABLE_FOAM with solid tetahedrons type 10.
- Fix incorrect writing of material data to dyna.str for *MAT_SEATBELT when using long=s on the execution line.
- Fix out-of-range forces after dynamic relaxation when using VP=1 for *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY and non-zero strain rate parameters, C & P, and the part goes into plastic deformation during dynamic relaxation.
- Fix incorrect *MAT_PLASTICITY_COMPRESSION_TENSION/*MAT_124 yield stresses for shells when SRFLAG=2. The yield stress was not scaled correctly according to strain rate curves, LCSRC and LCSRT.
- Fix incorrect results when using *DEFINE_TABLE for LCSS of *MAT_89/*MAT_PLASTICITY_POLYMER.
- Fix incorrect results when using *MAT_MUSCLE/*MAT_156 with *PART_AVERAGED for the truss elements.
- Fix seg fault when using *MAT_NONLOCAL with nhv > 16 and also output warning message, STR+1291, if the largest history variable # is > than the number of stored history variables(including plastic strain).
- Fix effect of shear correction factor, SHRF, in *SECTION_SHELL and *PART_COMPOSITE on*MAT_ORTHO_ELASTIC_PLASTIC/*MAT_108.
- Fix incorrect results when using *MAT_JOHNSON_COOK/*MAT_015 with thick shell formulations 3 and 5.
- Modify *MAT_221 (*MAT_ORTHOTROPIC_SIMPLIFIED_DAMAGE) to correct the damage behavior. Prior to this fix, damage was applied to new increments of stress, but not the stress history, so matrial softening was not possible. Since damage is applied to the constitutive matrix, it was necessary to switch the stress update from a rate form (rate-of-deformation) to an total strain form. The total strain used is the accumulated increments from the rate-of-deformation. Since the material behavior is elastic, the results are about the same except when damage occurs.
- Fix error in inititialization that could cause a problem with *MAT_FABRIC's RGBRTH parameter. If there was more than one fabric material model, and all data was the same except for RGBRTH, the materials could be merged causing the RGBRTH of the second material to be ignored.
- Add support for *MAT_096 for several solid element types including 3, 4, 15, 18, and 23. Also, reduce the liklihood of numerical overflow in*MAT_096. This is really a bug fix because we did not terminate cleanly.
- Fix the use of uninitialized curve slope values in the implicit element stiffness matrix when the 6 DOF spring material (*MAT_119) is used with beam form 6. The slopes have now been set to zero for degrees of freedom for which no curve is defined.
- Enable 5 newer materials and/or thick shell materials to be used with the material angle field of *PART_COMPOSITE or*PART_COMPOSITE_TSHELL. The new materials are *MAT_005, *MAT_040, *MAT_136, *MAT_219, and *MAT_253.
- Fix type 6, 7, 9 hourglass control for *MAT_187 and *MAT_232.
- Fixed calculation of failed layers in reading SOFT (crashfront) parameter for *MAT_261/*MAT_262.
- Fix keyword reading of *MAT_124 constants EC and RPCT. It was not working if they were defined under *PARAMETER.
- New option for strain rate averaging in *MAT_083. Exponential moving average can be invoked by setting SRAF<0, where abs(SRAF) represents the degree of weighting decrease.
- New option for unloading behavior in *MAT_083. If TBID<0 or HU>0 ("damage formulations"), unloading is rate dependent by default. This can now be changed to "rate independent" by new input parameter RIULD on Card 5, Column 2. This seems to help noise reduction in some cases.
- Added new option to *MAT_106 for shell and solid elements. Load curve LCFAIL (Card 4, Column 4) refers to plastic failure strain as function of temperature.
- Fix combination of implicit analysis with *MAT_057 and solid element types 4, 16, or 17.
- Add new parameter "EXPON" to *MAT_083 on optional card 5, column 1. This is an exponent in the damage function for unloading when HU>0: d = (1-HU) * ( 1 - (Wcur/Wmax)**SHAPE )**EXPON
- Add a new failure indicator as history variable #10 to *MAT_123. Add triaxiality as history variable #11 to *MAT_123.
- Fix for combination of standard failure criteria and GISSMO with LCREGD>0 in *MAT_ADD_EROSION.
- Correct internal energy calculation in *MAT_ADD_EROSION damage model GISSMO for thin and thick shell elements.
- Fix for *MAT_ADD_EROSION, damage model GISSMO. Option NUMFIP<0 was not working correctly for the combination with *MAT_036.
- Fix for *MAT_083 when unloading is controlled via TBID<0. In rare cases it was possible that the lowest curve in the table was used for rate dependent stress evaluation, but it should only be used for unloading response.
- Parameter SCLMRR of *DEFINE_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES was not working for spotweld assemblies/clusters. This is now fixed.
- Correct problem with the number of history variables in user materials with solid elements when options INTOUT/NODOUT of*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY are set to "STRAIN" or "ALL".
- Fix a bug that prevented *MAT_POWDER from being compressed beyond a certain point.
- Fix bug for *ALE_ESSENTIAL_BOUNDARY when defined by parts; wrong surface segments generated for pentahedral and tetrahedral elements.
- *DEFINE_ADAPTIVE_SOLID_TO_SPH: Fix bug affecting tet and wedge solid elements adaptively transformed into SPH particles.
- Fix reading of d3kil file to allow for implicit switches with more than 4 characters.
- *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_INERTIA_RELIEF, *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION: Allow the case of dynamic relaxation with implicit using inertia relief and then switching to explicit.
- Fix Implicit's treatment of rigid bodies after restart of an adaptive simulation (*CONTROL_ADAPTIVE).
- *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_MODAL_DYNAMIC: Correct reading of d3eigv database for modal dynamics in the presence of higher order elements and tshell elements.
- *CONTROL_RIGID: Turn off LaGrange Multiplier Treatment of joints when Implicit is active.
- *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_MODES: Enhance the computation of the superelement inertia matrix in the presence of rigid bodies. The mass matrix multiplication has to involve the mass on the slave nodes for this computation which is unlike other applications in LS-DYNA.
- *CONTROL_ADAPTIVITY: MPP fix for possible deadlock when using adaptivity together with thermal coupling.
- Enable thick shells to work with thermal materials. A flaw in the calculation of temperatures meant that thermal materials would not behave correctly except when done using *MAT_ADD_THERMAL_EXPANSION.
- Fix thick shell elements when used with thermal materials and there is a variation in the temperature field. The temperature variation in the element was not being calculated and all integration points were assigned the same temperature.
- Flux was not being calculated for *MAT_THERMAL_CWM when a time function was used for CWM.
- Fix improper data in d3plot causing problems when using *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT.
- Incorporate new element cost routines for purposes of decomposition.
- New pfile options are:
decomp { newcost } = use new element costs
decomp { shellcosts filename } = read shell cost info from 'filename'
decomp { solidcosts filename } = read solid cost info from 'filename'- There is no facility for generating the shellcosts or solidcosts data files -- those will have to be done with the R8.0 or later versions.
- Fix issue with full deck restart in case some processors do not have any contact interfaces.
- Fix MPP decomposition issue in case there are 2D sliprings.
- Fix MPP adaptivity for very large models: the reading of the adaptive dump file was not working properly for files over 8GB.
- Fix a bug related to *PARAMETER and restart that was resulting in parameters not being properly redefined on the first restart in MPP on processors other than 0, or on the second and subsequent restarts in SMP and MPP (all processors). This is only a problem if there are*DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION definitions that use parameters.
- Fix MPP problem of creating a pre-decomposition file while using a jobid.
- If a structured output file is being created, echo a copy of all pfile data (pfile + internally generated from the *CONTROL_MPP keywords) to a file named
pfile.log. This makes it easy for decomposition related keywords to be used with the structured version of the file. - *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION: MPP fix for dynamic relaxation initialization in polar coordinates.
- For small restart job, use the memory size stored in dump file instead of memory specificed on command line.
- *DEFINE_HAZ_PROPERTIES: Fix bug for HAZ input deadlock -- MPP only.
- *DEFINE_SPH_DE_COUPLING: Fix bug for SPH + DES coupling -- MPP only.
- Add support for *DEFINE_DE_BY_PART -- MPP only. Overrides *CONTROL_DISCRETE_ELEMENT for specified part IDs.
- Fix hang up when using *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION with element function BEAM(id,jflag,comp,rm) and running MPP with np>1.
- Fix bug whereby for *CONTROL_MPP_IO under Windows OS, user had to have administrative privileges to write tmp file on root drive. For Windows only.
- Fix problem of LOCAL parameters and adaptivity. Because the adaptive process merges all the include files, the "locality" of these was being lost. Two new keywords are introduced (*PARAMETER_PUSH and *PARAMETER_POP) and are used to work around this issue.
- When using *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, offset IDs of sensors, nodes, elements and parts referred to in an included*DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION by IDROFF, IDNOFF, IDEOFF and IDPOFF,respectively.
- Fix a bug for *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL that happens when option=PART is used to define segment set of a part of solid element
- Fix incorrect shell set generated when using *SET_SHELL_GENERAL with OPTION=PART.
- Fix *NODE_MERGE_SET which gives incorrect set of nodes.
- Fix input error, KEY+517, for null part set when using *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE and *PART_MOVE together.
- The delay time, TIME3, in *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC is not correctly implemented. The TIME3 in the last*DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC was used instead.
- Fix incorrect sign of result returned from *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION's JOINT(id,jflag,comp,rm) if jflag=1.
- Fix input error when using Q=REMAP.
- Error terminate the input if the abscissa values of *DEFINE_TABLE are the same.
- Fix input error when parameter is present in cards following *COMMENT keyword and before the next '*' keyword.
- Fix NaNs triggered by 100th percentile *COMPONENT_GEBOD.
- Make improvements and corrections to long format input.
- Fix bug if *DEFINE_CURVE is used to define adaptivity level. See IREFLG in *CONTROL_ADAPTIVITY.
- If any node/element is encrypted and PSETID in *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT is set, we will disable dynain output.
- *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE: Fix bug whereby element IDs of non-adaptiing parts changed when 3D adaptivity was invoked.