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The 2015 THUMS European Users' Meeting

JSOL is delighted to announce The 2015 THUMS European Users' Meeting. THUMS, the Total Human Model for Safety for use with LS-DYNA® is being rapidly adopted by users worldwide. We invite you to join us and share in THUMS technical information.

JSOL is delighted to announce The 2015 THUMS European Users‘ Meeting. THUMS, the Total Human Model for Safety for use with LS-DYNA is being rapidly adopted by users worldwide. We invite you to join us and share in THUMS technical information.

The conference will be held on 18 June, one day after the European LS-DYNA Conference in the in Würzburg.


We kindly invite you to attend the conference.





Note: The program is subject to be changed.


Brochure (pdf)


Museum im Kulturspeicher

The conference will be organized by:
JSOL Corporation Japan.


Please find online registration and more information here.