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Important information about LS-PrePost

We have identified a bug in the uninstaller of the Windows version of LS-PrePost: Under certain conditions the uninstaller can remove files and folders on your hard drive. Therefore, we recommend that you do NOT uninstall LS-PrePost.

Dear customer,

We have identified a bug in the uninstaller of the Windows version of LS-PrePost: Under certain conditions the uninstaller can remove files and folders on your hard drive. Therefore, we recommend that you do NOT uninstall LS-PrePost.

We are working to fix the problem and will provide a new uninstaller soon.

The bug is limited to the uninstaller. The installation and the usage of LS-PrePost is not affected.

In case you have further questions, please contact your LS-DYNA support.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Your Support Team