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LS-DYNA Conference in Koblenz - papers available

In mid May the LS-DYNA user community met at the 12:th European LS-DYNA Conference, to participate in presentations, workshops, seminars and exhibitions.



The LS-DYNA user community met at the 12:th European LS-DYNA conference in Koblenz, May 14-16. The conference was held at the Rhein-Mosel conference center, which is beautifully located at the Rhine waterfront. The nearly 500 participants from industry and academia could enjoy nearly 200 presentations, workshops, seminars and exhibitions.

Thirteen engineers from DYNAmore Nordic attended the conference and it was impressive to see the strong representation from our Nordic users with 3 keynotes and 15 presentations. In addition, we gave 4 papers and our colleague Dr. Thomas Borrvall gave both a Keynote on new features in the implicit solver in LS-DYNA as well as a workshop on the Solution Explorer GUI in LS-PrePost.

Keynotes from users in industry and academia were given by Niclas Brännberg (NIO), Prof. Odd Sture Hopperstad (NTNU), Dr. Johan Jergeus (Volvo Car Corporation), Prof. Peter Middendorf (University of Stuttgart), Mikael Palm (Husqvarna), Dr. Steven Peters (Daimler), Kishore Pydimarry (Honda), Ricardo Tejero de la Piedra (Opel), Dr. Tsuyoshi Yasuki (Toyota).

LSTC had a strong representation at the conference led by Executive VP Nathan Hallquist who was joined by close to 20 developers. LSTC developers gave three keynotes and nearly 20 presentations and workshops on recently developed technology as well as on-going development of LS-DYNA and the other LSTC software products: LS-PrePost, LS-OPT, and LS-TaSC.

Finally, Thomas Münz, Managing director at DYNAmore Germany, thanked all speakers for their work. It is true that the core of the conference consists of the wealth of presentations, keynotes and technical discussions. They provide a great insight into the current state of the art in the use of LS-DYNA.

Please visit www.dynalook.com for the conference proceedings.