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Simulation data and process management – An important step for CAx-LoCo at AUDI AG

Developed by DYNAmore in cooperation with AUDI AG, CAx-LoCo is a software program for managing simulation data and processes. In a ground-breaking workshop on the subject of “The management of simulation data and processes in computational engineering departments at AUDI AG”, the course for the future of the software was set in Ingolstadt on 18th October.

Ingolstadt, Germany, 18th October 2012

 Developed by DYNAmore in cooperation with AUDI AG, CAx-LoCo is a software program for managing simulation data and processes. In a ground-breaking workshop on the subject of “The management of simulation data and processes in computational engineering departments at AUDI AG”, the course for the future of the software was set in Ingolstadt on 18th October.

 The participants were representatives from various technical simulation departments at AUDI, such as crash analysis, passenger safety, pedestrian safety, misuse studies and functional interior design. Those responsible at the development service providers of ISKO engineers, Tecosim and P+Z were also involved in the discussion where they introduced important technical requirements for further developments.

 Dr. Bernd Mlekusch, the project manager of CAx-LoCo at AUDI who participated in the workshop, described the meeting as creative and constructive. He said: “SDM systems like CAx-LoCo will determine the future work environment of simulation engineers. Such systems will improve simulation efficacy and quality and are indispensible as far as the increasing flood of data is concerned”.

 The CAx-LoCo software was successfully introduced for simulation data management at AUDI several years ago, where it acts as a workbench for the user in day-to-day development work. In the process, the department for CAx process integration and software development of DYNAmore, with headquarters in Ingolstadt and Dresden, took over the technical project coordination and software development. In the meantime, CAx-LoCo has over 200 registered users working either internally at AUDI or for external development service providers and associated subsidiaries of Volkswagen and AUDI. The system is integrated into the complex AUDI IT infrastructure and can be accessed by external users provided they comply with all necessary safety requirements. Marko Thiele, DYNAmore project manager for CAx-LoCo, commented: “External user access has been realized in such a way so as to enable unlimited collaboration between external partners and AUDI. This is still possible even if the bandwidth and reliability of the network connection isn’t ideal”.

 Among other things, the key features of CAx-LoCo include comprehensive graphic user support for data management and load case generation, history trees for calculation variants, the administration of metadata (documentation), role and rights management, comprehensive filter and search options and the continuous parameterization of input files for selected construction data. By parameterizing simulation input data, simulation engineers are able to carry out parameter studies easily. CAx-LoCo facilitates setting up and analyzing optimization runs, DOE studies or robustness assessments for complete vehicles, and the information gained can be used to advantage in development processes. The seamless integration of the optimization software LS-OPT in CAx-LoCo enables a broad spectrum of different optimization algorithms to be used.

Further information:

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