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The software FEMZIP-L is specifically developed for the compression of simulation results of LS-DYNA. It was originally developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI). DYNAmore distributes FEMZIP-L in all German speaking countries.

Compression of LS-DYNA Simulation Results using FEMZIP



Original D3 Plot File


medium compression factor 7

The software FEMZIP-L is specifically developed for the compression of simulation results of LS-DYNA. It was originally developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI) and is now supported and enhanced by a spinn-off of Fraunhofer, the company SIDACT GmbH. DYNAmore distributes FEMZIP-L in many European countries.

The usage of the data compression tool FEMZIP-L reduces the costs for archiving data, storage and data management. FEMZIP reads in the plot files then building a compressed version of the results that can be up to ten times smaller. The high compression factor that can be obtained by utilizing FEMZIP leads to several benefits:

Archive Size

If the simulation data are compressed, only a small fraction of storage is required. Storage and backup capacities can store more simulation results. Hence, investments into higher storage and archive capacities can be minimized.

Data Transfer Times

Transferring result data across computer networks can be very time consuming. Transmission speeds are limited by the available network bandwidth. Since compressed simulation results require significantly less storage, they can be transferred in a fraction of the time required for transferring uncompressed results.


coarse compression factor 11

Data Loading Times

Reading data into post-processors can be a time consuming task as well. If data storage is provided through centralized file servers, compressed data can be read in directly into post processors significantly quicker due to the faster data transfer. In some cases load times can even be improved when reading from a local hard drive.

The original data formats could be retrieved by using the open decompression tool FEMUNZIP.

Test License

We are pleased to offer you a free test license to evaluate FEMZIP.


Example with compression factor varies from 5 to 10