Convert Madymo kin3-resultfiles into d3plot file.
This program converts the Madymo KIN3 result file (ASCII) into a binary d3plot. The advantage of the binary d3plot file is that it is possible to display the result in LS-PREPOST. Also the reading of the binary file is much faster than reading KIN3-files in Animator. The d3plot file is usually smaller than the KIN3-file (depending on the model).
usage: | kin2plot [options] KIN3-file[s] |
-o |
output file extension (default: "kin3plot") |
-list | list additional geometry and state info |
-quiet | all output messages are suppressed |
-ani | resulting file can be read by Animator3 < V0.6.3 (file size increases ca 30%) |
-split | split result into seperate files per state |
-nxe # | refinement of a-direction of semi-ellipsoid (negative value switches to linear distance) (default: 5) |
-nye # | refinement of b/c-direction of quarter-ellipsoid (default: 4) |
-nxc # | refinement of axial direction of cylinders (default: 1) |
-nyc # | refinement of circumferential direction of cylinders (default: 4) |
-uc | unit conversion (m-s-kg to mm-ms-kg) |
-mirr x|y|z | mirroring about …-axes |
-version | print version |
% kin3plot -l *.KIN3