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LS-PrePost is an advanced pre- and post-processor and model editor from LST LLC, preparing input data and processing the results from LS-DYNA analyses.

LS-PrePost is particularly capable of importing, editing and exporting LS-DYNA keyword files for generating LS-DYNA input files. The new graphical interface of LS-PrePost version 3.0 can be operated intuitively by the icons and tool bars. It supports the latest Open-GL standards to provide fast rendering for fringe plots and animation results.

LS-PrePost is constantly being further developed and new development trends can be incorporated quickly. The software can be installed quickly and can be implemented on every computer because no license is required. LS-PrePost is being offered free of charge by DYNAmore.


LS-Run is a new graphical control center to start LS-DYNA simulations with either SMP or MPP versions of LS-DYNA. It is included as of LS-PrePost release v4.3 or in the developer version and can be started via “File>Run LS-DYNA”.

Once LS-PrePost is closed, the LS-Run window will remain open for further job control.

Note that the installation of the standalone a version will automatically install MS-MPI such that users of Windows operating systems quickly get started using MPP versions of



  • Import of Nastran- , IGES- , VDA- ,I-DEAS-Universal- and Step-files possible
  • Printing formats: PNG, TIFF, JPG, BMP, PCX, PS, PSIMAGE, GIF, VRML2
  • Movie formats: MPEG, AVI
  • Command line interface
  • Comprehensive keyword support of LS-DYNA 971

Pre-Processing Features

  • Import of Nastran- , IGES- , VDA- ,I-DEAS-Universal- and Step-files possible
  • Mesh generation
    • 2Dmesh Sketchboard, nLine Meshing, Tet-Meshing
    • Automatic surface meshing
    • Meshing of simple geometric objects (Plate, Sphere, Cylinder)
  • Special applications
    • Airbag folding, dummy positioning, seatbelt fitting
    • Metal forming, roller hemming
    • ALE
    • Model check (element quality, contact)
  • LS-DYNA entity creation

Post-Processing Features

  • 3D animation
  • Eigenmoden animation
  • BINOUT processing
  • X-Y plots
  • Contour plots
  • Overlay plots
  • Vector plots
  • Fringe plots
  • Time History Plotting
  • Particel visualisization
  • Fluid visualisization
  • DYNAIN file generation
  • ASCII plotting
  • Section analysis

Improvements in LS-PrePost 3.0


  • Redesigned graphical user interface
    • Main manual system with tool bars and icons
    • Pull down manual system
    • Pop up windows
  • New developed geometry processing engine
    • based on Open CASCADE Technology 6.3
    • supports basic geometry entities: lines, surfaces and solids
    • supports shape fixing, reshaping and face stitching
    • creates surfaces from existing mesh using LSTC's own reverse engineering module

LS-PrePost is compatible with the major operating systems Unix, Linux and Windows.