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Envyo is a multi-purpose mapping tool dedicated to LS-DYNA. It allows for the transfer and manipulation of simulation result data between differently discretized meshes and from different solvers to a LS-DYNA specific input format.

Envyo is a multi-purpose mapping tool dedicated to LS-DYNA. It allows for the transfer and manipulation of simulation result data between differently discretized meshes and from different solvers to a LS-DYNA specific input format. Furthermore, mapping of arbitrary point cloud data (e.g. experimental results) provided in csv format or clustering methods based on grayscale images are available. Envyo provides a wide range of possibilities to consider any kind of preliminary results in a following numerical simulation to cover the complete process with LS-DYNA.

Some standard and more automatized transformation options allow for the consideration of different length scales and coordinate systems.


Mapping capabilities include




  • Injection Molding (target constitutive model: *MAT_157 or *MAT_215):
    - Moldflow® → Shell / Solid
    -  Moldex3D® → Shell / Solid
  • Metal Forming:
    - Shell → Shell
    - Solid ↔ Shell
  • Bake Hardening (target constitutive model: with *MAT_251):
    - TheseusFE® → Shell
  • Mapping of Micro- and Mesoscopic Models (orientation initialization):
    - Beam → Shell
    - Shell → Shell
    - Representative Volume Element (RVE) detection
  • Mapping of axisymmetric simulation results:
    - 2D-SHELL → 3D-SHELL

  • Considering experimental data:
    - Point Cloud → Shell
    - Grayscale image → Shell

General Information

Envyo is developed by DYNAmore GmbH and is licensed separately from LS-DYNA. Test licenses can be requested following the provided link to the right – preferably with a small description of the use case. It is available for both, Windows and Linux operating systems.