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Master's Thesis Involving LS-DYNA

Are you a student interested in doing your master's thesis using LS-DYNA?

Here you will find information about how to get started with LS-DYNA and get in contact with DYNAmore Nordic to receive free support and learning resources. You can register your thesis with us for extended support and training. Occasionally we will also post available thesis work involving LS-DYNA here. 

DYNAmore Nordic sell, offer training and support for LS-DYNA within the Nordic and Baltic states. We also do this for students that use LS-DYNA in their thesis work; by gathering all master's theses that are carried out using LS-DYNA, offering initial guidance, and establishing contact with students. In our previous experience, assisting thesis students this way has proven most successful, allowing the work to quickly pick up speed, giving students access to industry experts, but it has also been highly rewarding to us, being involved in interesting and innovative applications of numerical simulation. 

We received many registrations in the past and were able to help students with tutoring and support, which we believe contributed to several successful theses. Do not just take our word for it, read some of the comments from previous students: 

"Through Volvo Cars we had contact with Dynamore Nordic that provided technical assistance
during this project. We would especially like to thank Anders Bernhardsson for the support during
this thesis work. "

"I would like to express my gratitude to DYNAmore Nordic AB, Sweden
especially Mikael Schill for the valuable support and help for LS-DYNA"

"Ph.D. Mikael Schill, David Aspenberg, among others, from DYNAmore Nordic AB,
Linköping. Thank you for letting me take part in the introduction course and taking
Your time to answer all of my questions regarding the software LS-DYNA."

Depending on the topic and how many people perform a thesis on the respective universities we can offer:

  • Joint LS-DYNA introduction course for the master's students at the university or at our office
  • LS-DYNA introduction Webinar
  • Simple but explanatory examples to show modeling methods
  • Direct support contact person for discussion and technical help throughout the thesis
  • Master's thesis publication on our media channels

A condition for this is that we get an idea of how many and what types of master's theses are carried out at the respective universities. We have created a web form where students can register their thesis. In good time before the work starts, contact will be established to discuss how we can offer support and aid during the initial phase as well as throughout the project.

Registration is closed for spring term 2023

This offer is only available in the Nordic and Baltic states, DYNAmore Nordic reserves the exclusive right to decide which projects it gives support/training to and to what extent, DYNAmore Nordic has no obligations towards the thesis student(s) or any other party related to the project.