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Europ. LS-DYNA Conference 2011 in France

The 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference will take place in Strasbourg (France) on 23 - 24 May 2011.

Alyotech announced the 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference which will take place in Strasbourg (France) on 23 - 24 May 2011. Alyotech will be supported by the LS-DYNA distributors Arup, DYNAmore, and Engineering Research, as well as by the software developer LSTC. The conference will be an excellent occasion to meet LS-DYNA users from all over the world and to share LS-DYNA applications in different areas. Presentations will cover various LS-DYNA related topics, new developments and new applications from academic and industrial engineers. An exhibition area will allow to obtain information about the latest software and hardware developments related to LS-DYNA. Several training classes will be offered before or after the conference. Deadline for abstract submission is 4 Februar 2011. A Call for Papers (pdf) can be downloaded here.

Please find more information about the conference here.