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GENESIS 11 Released

We are pleased to annouce the release of GENESIS 11.0. GENESIS is a fully integrated finite element analysis and design optimization software package, written by leading experts in structural optimization.

New features in Genesis 11

  • GENESIS - Composite Failure Index up to 100 times faster using RCOMPAPP
  • Free shape optimisation
  • Equation responses for Topology
  • Relative constraint definition (based upon initial design)
  • Design Studio - Improved shape morphing capabilities
  • Improved post processing functions, including; Topology envelope viewing - Iso-surface animations - Section cutting

GENESIS features a state of the art graphical user interface where no special knowledge of optimization technology is required. Shape, sizing, topography, topometry and topology optimizations are the design options available to the user. GENESIS is available on all major plattforms.

More information about GENESIS